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Author Topic: How do I extend the range of the Lola remote?  (Read 22924 times)


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How do I extend the range of the Lola remote?
« on: July 08, 2006, 04:52:27 PM »

   I just recieved my Lola kit. I love Lola, as I am running a 400watt sound system off an old 566mhz computer, that is used for music. I have found a few issues with the filing system the search uses. I have over 17,000 songs that have been loaded, and compressed into a three layer wave format. Lola files them under "Unknown" What a mess. However using manual import solved this problem. I am finding file size limits with Lola.
   My main question now is how do I extent the range of the Lola remote? I have a wireless video monitor that recieves Lola's signal, and would like to use it in conjunction with the wireless music sender, so we can enjoy Lola from the Hot Tub out back.

tom j

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Re: How do I extend the range of the Lola remote?
« Reply #1 on: September 02, 2006, 12:11:38 PM »

   I just recieved my Lola kit. I love Lola, as I am running a 400watt sound system off an old 566mhz computer, that is used for music. I have found a few issues with the filing system the search uses. I have over 17,000 songs that have been loaded, and compressed into a three layer wave format. Lola files them under "Unknown" What a mess. However using manual import solved this problem. I am finding file size limits with Lola.
   My main question now is how do I extent the range of the Lola remote? I have a wireless video monitor that recieves Lola's signal, and would like to use it in conjunction with the wireless music sender, so we can enjoy Lola from the Hot Tub out back.

X10 makes a repeater that might work but check with them first.


tom j

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Re: How do I extend the range of the Lola remote?
« Reply #2 on: September 02, 2006, 12:19:24 PM »

Say one thing I take it you haven't experienced any of the installation problems the other user indicated. What operating system are you running? Thanks

« Last Edit: September 16, 2006, 08:39:40 PM by tom j »
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