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Author Topic: Problem with Video functions  (Read 5378 times)


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Problem with Video functions
« on: August 24, 2010, 04:58:28 PM »

I just reinstalled AHP with all plugins and thought there were no problems.....UNTIL I went into Tools>Preferences and discovered that if I try to go into General Video, Video Settings or Multiple Cameras (i.e. ANY video functions) AHP will crash, saying AHP has encountered a problem and needs to close, sorry for the inconvenience.

So I reinstalled AHP and plugins again, but still it's the same problem. And yes, I have the VA11A installed while doing this.

What's wrong with it?


I followed instructions elsewhere about installing v3.204 and then updating to v3.228 and that seems to have fixed the problem! I don't understand why though, since I had v3.228 installed in the first place. ???

What's also surprising now is that I can record video really well now, and for longer than 2 seconds, and it's not in fast motion on playback as it was with my initial installation several years ago. Did x10 do some work on the video recording?

« Last Edit: August 24, 2010, 07:54:36 PM by birdzeye »
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