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Author Topic: My Garage help  (Read 10793 times)


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Re: My Garage help
« Reply #15 on: June 16, 2012, 09:36:36 PM »

Thanks guys... have everything I need... going to start from scratch tomorrow and will let you know how it all goes... appreciate the all the help!



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Re: My Garage help
« Reply #16 on: June 17, 2012, 10:24:18 AM »

Okay need a lil more help... the sensor (DS12A) works fine when manually pushing the garage pad, it will show the correct signal of closed or open. if i use the AHP program or cell phone app the sensor will no longer function as if the PUM01 and TM751 when showing no green light somehow seems to block the sensor... also nothing showing it recieved the rf signal when you click the the "N".
When the switches are up the sensor works perfectly if i use the garage button by my door but the moment i use the phone to send the command and the swtches show off, the sensor will not refresh... HELP

If the switch is down (off) and use the garage button sensors reads when ever there is a change to it but the moment I use the phone to do it it will no longer register... do I need the UM506? or another sensor to have read?

I see what is happening if the switch can stay in the on postion and send the momentary signal it would work BUT thats not how this crap is working... it is in the off position then switches on for a moment to activate door then off... who ever worte the code for this crap needs to be shot... this is a simple process to open a garage door and you would think a simple process for the sensor to relay the data.

« Last Edit: June 17, 2012, 02:15:15 PM by msb113 »


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Re: My Garage help
« Reply #17 on: June 17, 2012, 06:38:57 PM »

What a nightmare! I will stay the hell away from this crap... Had to create a ghost module and a macro and assign that in "Configure Garage"... This is simply a joke, all that to open and close a relay for a split second and get a proper sensor reading? Just get a 8 pin microcontroller and code it Usb cord, a relay, window sensor and just run a box as a server and do this yourself... stay away from this crap... if you cant code or program just spend the money and get a new craftsman that works with their phone app, this will save you a major headache!

Thank you to those that did help me out... I wont be needing to ask any questions ever again about X10!

Thanks again,



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Re: My Garage help
« Reply #18 on: June 29, 2012, 08:35:10 PM »

I have that happen with mine also. If I use the open/close button when the door is closed (where the switch is closed and the sensor would show closed), then the status of the sensor will not change. I have been assuming that it is a result of multiple signals (sensor and UM506 code for ON) and that's why it wont work. It works if the garage door is open though because the module turns on and the garage door starts closing. Then a couple seconds later, the module turns back off (since it is momentary). By the time the door gets to the closed position and presses the switch to close the sensor, the codes are long gone and there is nothing that may affect the RF signal. Remember the sensor is RF so multiple powerline signals wont affect anything here. But if the CM19A is trying to send the RF signal to turn the UM506 on and try to receive the sensor's updated status at the same time (since the sensor changes the instant the garage door opens) then you may have a problem. I let that all go a while back and have moved on to other things but I will get back to it really soon and see what I can do. I have a few things to work on with that though.
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