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Author Topic: URGENT ..need help to connect with remote!  (Read 38462 times)


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Re: URGENT ..need help to connect with remote!
« Reply #15 on: November 08, 2010, 01:33:01 PM »

I TOTALLY understand.  I spent $3,000 on this stuff, I think the cams are fine but the software is junk, at least the support could be there for us.  I had a problem with Vista crashing the software and finally figured out myself I needed a VA12A instead of my old VA11A, that fixed the Vista problem.  I can get my host computer to say it's connected waiting on remote but can't access it from any computer anywhere!!!  Wonder if the Iwatch Mobile Pro will work on my cell to access it????  I hate to spend weeks of time on something new only to find out it won't work either!!!!


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Re: URGENT ..need help to connect with remote!
« Reply #16 on: November 09, 2010, 04:08:21 PM »


I still don't have mine going but I think I may be pinpointing at least some problems that you may be having as well.  After losing my cool with tech support they gave me an email to a tech support guy that thankfully at least responded quickly.  He says if from the remote computer that you are trying to access them from, if you get a blank black screen with a little square box with a white or red dot in it......then on that computer you have an "active x" problem, it's not loading..........go to your browser and click Tools, Internet Options, then Security, then Trusted Sites, then Sites, in the box that comes up uncheck the box that says ".....requires xxxx", then add the site to the trusted sites....close all of that out and when you try to connect it should pop a bar up that will allow you to install active x.   This wasn't my problem. Mine is his next suggestion.

I get a screen from my remote computer that will eventually show AHP but it's not seeing "my rooms" or my cams....neither end shows a connection, the status shows "waiting for remote user" on the host end and "waiting for system" on the remote status....obviously it's not connecting together......He says if this happens WE HAVE A PORT PROBLEM.....PERIOD.....I have Hughesnet and been working all night and day trying to figure this out.  I pay for a PRO Plus IP plan which gives me a static IP from Hughes...(there tech support is worse than X10, just terrible) In my router I have the static IP setup to the static IP that my hughes system gives me +1, my Gateway is set to the static IP, the DNS is set to what my Hughes modem shows......all setup like all the research linksys router is set to forward the ports 80,443, 8088, 8888 to my computer's local IP addresss set by the router.........NO FRICKING GO........I go to the port testing tool on X10 and it FAILS to see those ports!!!!! I'm at WIT'S FRICKING ENDS!!!!

At least I have accomplished that it's a Port problem......I think your's is too.......let's figure this out, it's fricking challenging now....


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Re: URGENT ..need help to connect with remote!
« Reply #17 on: December 06, 2010, 06:28:58 PM »

X-10 must have lots of sales, they really haven't improved in 15 years, they sell cheap and that's it, were stuck with a bunch of junk, I have a cabinet full of X-10 cameras and related items, not worth the effort of even trying to get working properly, these cameras would not even satisfy an eight year old, don't know why I even bother to write here, nothing is going to change while they are making money. I hope these posts save others from making the same mistakes as we did.

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