BMB electronics has AHP V3.274, dated 8.16.2010 available for download at: are also drivers for Windows 7 at the link. This version of AHP has Smart Macros included, but other users have reported that previous versions will not work with other U.S. plugins. I've had no trouble picking moduldes from the list that functionally match the U.S. X-10 modules that I use.
While they don't list any change record at the BMB site, I can say that it has made a night-and-day difference in the performance of a conditional macro that I had been running (poorly) under BMB V3.267 which I installed in late April of this year. I have several other timers with sunset/sunrise times and they have always operated flawlessly under V3.267 and earlier BMB versions I tried since the beginning of 2010.
The conditional macro controls some kitchen under-cabinet incandescent lighting. The macro is triggered by a motion sensor and is enabled/disabled by sunrise/sunset conditions.
There were multiple problems with the way the CM15A ran the macro. It seemed that the enable conditions were being randomly ignored.
While the macro was enabled properly during the evening hours, it was randomly enabled during the daylight hours too. Thinking that maybe the hawkeye motion sensor was flaky, I removed it and simulated it with a wired controller. Sure enough, sometimes the macro sometimes turned on when the time conditions said it shouldn't.
The macro also tries to limit the brightness of the lamp module from zero to about 50%, but as often as not, when the macro received a retrigger command while it was active, the brightness would go to 100%.
I read about everything I could find about conditional macros, and it looked like it should work. I was also very careful to clear the memory and reset the CM-15 before downloading the program and updating the configuration.
It's been about 3 days since I updated the CM-15 with the program from V3.274 and I haven't noticed a problem yet. The jury is still out though, because I haven't made any effort to really check out if the dimming part works correctly. The one thing that seems certain is that the enable conditions are working correctly now.
If anybody cares to take a look at the .ahx file I am running, I'll post it and provide a link.