I'm struggling getting my Blackberry able to access AHP through AP. Got the email invite sent, but can't make it work. Thought it would be a piece of cake when, despite X10 instructions saying no port need be opened on firewall (I have my software firewall, anti-virus, and anti-spyware all currently disabled trying to get this up, so I'm talking the Belkin router firewall), this thread confirmed my suspicion that indeed it DID need to be set that way. But despite setting the Virtual Server port open as instructed, my phone is still not being allowed to access. I haven't set a DDNS so it can be permanently fixed, but doesn't seem to make sense trying that if I can't make it work without it when I use an IP address that is confirmed functional moments ago. Same thing happens with my email link invocation or straight browser entry in my BB (running it on WIFI only, have the "radio" connection currently disable so I know WIFI in general is working BB connection because I can freely browse to other sites)... I get:
"HTTP Error 504: Gateway Timeout" error msg, with the further text, "The gateway timed-out while waiting for a response from the server. Please try loading a different page. Contact your service provider if this problem persists." If I click the available Details button below that text, I get the further msg (displayed in Blackberry browser), "ERROR The requested URL could not be retrieved While trying to retrieve the URL the following error was encountered: Connection to failed
The system returned: (113) No route to host
The remote host or network may be down. Please try the request again.
Your cache administrator is webmaster." ("Webmaster" is blue and underlined like a link, but gives an error msg when clicked on.)