I'm still getting communication errors with the CM15a if using the pan/tilt/zoom commands any amount.
This happens with 3 different CM15as I've tried.
I will sometimes lose video and only get the blue background image until I exit AHP, kill the x10nets process, and run AHP again.
I haven't been able to reproduce any of these errors so far, but I am still trying to reproduce it, and searching for anything which might cause these errors.
About when did you purchase your CM15s? No need to dig out receipts or anything, but any information you have easily accessible.
What version number is reported by the help->about window in ActiveHome Pro?
What versions do you have of the following dll files?
C:\Program Files\Common Files\X10\Common\x10net.dll
C:\Program Files\ActiveHome Pro\AHP.dll
C:\Program Files\ActiveHome Pro\ant.dll
To check the file version simple browse to that file's location right click it, and select properties. In the details tab one line should be something similar to "File version"
I also noticed that if I select any camera other than the first 4 (I have 8 I'm currently using) it will not turn them on or control them.
Eg: Selecting camera 5 turns on cam 1, cam 6 selects cam 2, and so on.
This is fixed in the development build, and will be working in the next release of the software.
Still wondering if possible to add a second slide out menu to select presets, sweep, and control iris and focus for the Vanguard and Sentinels.
It’s still too early to promise, but this is planned to be added soon.
I guess my question is can an option be put in AHP to use the firecracker device to change cameras instead of using the AHP module?
I will add this one to the suggested features list. For now you may get better performance with a CM19 transceiver for some RF controlled cameras. It is a trade off since this does not have power line commands, or internal memory, but since it is an RF only device it can have stronger RF send and receive capabilities than the CM15 in some environments. I believe you would face the same tradeoffs using a firecracker over a CM15 as well.