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Author Topic: New iWatchMobile  (Read 225549 times)


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Re: New iWatchMobile
« Reply #210 on: November 22, 2010, 11:04:50 PM »

OK - let me try again, this time simplifying it.

I have one Ninja/camera about 50-60' from my computer. I have a CM15A plugged into a long USB cable (16') so it is a little closer to the camera than the computer. I also have a CM19A device plugged into the computer and sitting on top. I have a VA12A also plugged into this same computer. I have 5 pieces of AHP - AHP 3.296, the iWitness (or iWatchout) plug-in, the Smart Macros plug-in, the ActivePhone plug-in and the iWatchout Mobile Pro. All are at 3.296. Using the computer interactively from the desktop and using the AHP native interface, I can see the video and move the cameras to it's presets everytime I press a preset. The camera is set to code C16.

Just for fun I also created macros E1-E4 which use the Video functions to set the camera to positions 1-4. When I test the macros from the local PC the camera moves fine.

Now I bring up the ActivePhone app in a browser and use the "remote" to turn on "switches" E1-E4 and the camera still move fine. Lastly I bring up the iWatchout Mobile PRO app webpage and try the presets. They do move the camera OCCASSIONALY - maybe 1 out of 10 or 20 attempts.

OK - just for testing, I set up two more cameras/Ninja bases at different codes (C15 & C14) which are closer to the CM15A and everything on these cameras works fine through ALL interfaces, so I know there is nothing wrong with the hardware or software.

So, asking again, what might be causing this behavior?



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Re: New iWatchMobile
« Reply #211 on: November 22, 2010, 11:09:32 PM »

OK - after reviewing the monitor screen I think I might have some more (useful) information regarding this problem. It seems the Mobile PRO software may be losing track of what house code the camera is on.

From a short excerpt:

1039    11/22/2010 10:54:57 PM    Transmit RF    C CamGoPosition1
1040    11/22/2010 10:54:57 PM    Receive RF    C CamGoPosition1
1041    11/22/2010 10:54:58 PM    Transmit RF    C CamGoPosition1
1042    11/22/2010 10:54:58 PM    Receive RF    C CamGoPosition1
1043    11/22/2010 10:55:38 PM    Receive RF    A CamGoPosition2
1044    11/22/2010 10:56:38 PM    Receive RF    A CamGoPosition3

lines 1039-1042 were the result of me executing my macro E1 (I usually send two of each command to make sure one gets through). Lines 1043-1044 were from me pressing the preset in iWatch Mobile PRO. Note the house code sent was A and not C!

I don't know why this happens predominantly on only camera 16 but it does.

Development - any ideas?




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Re: New iWatchMobile
« Reply #212 on: December 01, 2010, 06:00:11 AM »

Until this past weekend - iWatchMobilePro and ActivePhonePro were working fine (still no "Options" button on Blackberry 9700)
I would cometimes get the 500 error, but usually a refresh got the connection.  Now I simply cannot connect, IE, Blackberry, FireFox, XP, Win 7, etc.  I get only the 500 error.  I have generated new security key, but no luck.  I have clicked directly on the link in the "Invite a cell phone" dialog.

Then I upgraded to 3.299 - and nothing changed - still 500 error..???

Win-7 - Dell XPS -Automation
VA12a on a dedicated desktop - Video
XTB-IIR & V572RF32

Remote via LogMeIn (FREE) and Ignition


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Re: New iWatchMobile
« Reply #213 on: December 07, 2010, 05:37:13 PM »

Is your camera configured correctly in ActiveHome PRO?  The module does have a C house code.  I assume you have, but I have to check :)
Does it work correctly if you open the camera chooser and re-select your camera?

What error text do you get?  There should be some message after the "500 error" part.  Is this still happening?


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Re: New iWatchMobile
« Reply #214 on: December 08, 2010, 08:45:23 PM »

Yes - as stated before, all the cameras work all the time using AHP directly from the Windows 7 interface. And Yes, if I go back to the camera chooser screen and reselect the camera (often I need to do this several times) then the camera will sometimes move. So based on that it may be a timing issue. If a macro is running directly from the CM15A (almost all of which are for devices on house code A) and sets a device on house code A is it possible that you are just using move commands without re-specifying the house code and therefore issuing move commands on house code A instead of C? Just a thought.

But it is strange that only the camera at C16 has this problem - the other 3 (C13, C14 & C15) all seem to move correctly all the time.
Could that have anything to do with it?


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