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Author Topic: Where can I find URL parameters?  (Read 14151 times)


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Where can I find URL parameters?
« on: November 15, 2010, 04:25:09 PM »

Since there is no "Options" button on my BlackBerry 9700 Bold's display, I have to first load AHP mobile and turn on a camera.  (It works fine when using a desktop browser).

If I had the list of possible parameters to send within the URL, I expect I could include which camera to turn on with the iWatchOut URL.

Erik or anybody - where's a list of URL parameters?

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Re: Where can I find URL parameters?
« Reply #1 on: November 15, 2010, 04:52:35 PM »

All I have are the URL Parameters for ActivePhone as seen in my post: "ActivePhone Tips & Tricks".
Not having any cameras, I haven't verified if the same thing would work with iWM or iWMPro. Once I get cameras, then you can expect a similar style post :)
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Re: Where can I find URL parameters?
« Reply #2 on: December 07, 2010, 05:24:15 PM »

We haven't officially released the URL parameters, but i will try to update Anthony's thread with that information when i get a chance :)

Unfortunately, if I understand you correctly, I don't think this is possible.  The URL to load the interface uses a different method than the URLs to issue commands.  With the information you requested you could certainly build a URL which would turn on a camera, but it would load an XML response to the command, not the iWatchMobile interface.

When you say there is no "Options" button does that mean the tab usually in the lower right of the screen is missing on your phone's browser?  If you are missing this, what is your Blackberry's firmware version and your service carrier?


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Re: Where can I find URL parameters?
« Reply #3 on: December 12, 2010, 12:56:28 PM »

Thanks Erik!

My BlackBerry is Bold 9700, latest Firmware is, and the carrier is AT&T.

I now do have the OPTIONS button on the BB, but do not ever see the other 4 buttons The Camera, the circled "P", the Target, and the Filmstrip.   On a PC, I see them, on the BB I do not.  Also, while on the the BB, the screen of cameras, (4 at a time) continually cycles, sometimes the panels overlap, and I can only access/control my first 4 of 8 cameras.  Again, on a PC is't fine.
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Re: Where can I find URL parameters?
« Reply #4 on: December 13, 2010, 08:20:58 PM »

Is there a gap where the other 4 buttons would be on the PC?

Have you double checked your accessing the iWatchMobilePRO URL from your Blackberry?  It sounds a lot like you are hitting the regular iWatchMobile URL and not PRO from your Blackberry.


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Re: Where can I find URL parameters?
« Reply #5 on: December 19, 2010, 08:15:41 AM »

I (you) broke the code!

iWatchMobilePro url has to be "iwatchpro" for my system to work.  Wierd, but if I put iWatchPro, or iWatchMobilePro in the URL, the system comes up, but the screens are wrong, not all control buttons show up, etc.  For me, the URL nust be only "iwatchpro" - all lowercase.

It now works, and I have all of the controls.
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Re: Where can I find URL parameters?
« Reply #6 on: December 20, 2010, 05:35:16 PM »

iwatchpro all lower case is the iWatchMobilePRO URL.  The web server built into ActiveHome PRO is case sensitive, and only provides one working URL for each mobile application plug in.  To properly access that application the URL has to be entered into the mobile device exactly as it appears on the invite cell phone dialog, caps and everything.  It is odd you would get a buggy version of the web page with those URLs though.  You should receive a 500 error which says something about an invalid URL.

A lot of web servers now days are case insensitive because commercial sites want you to hit their page, since traffic = $$.  In this regard our server is abnormal, but you probably want as small a target as possible for any potentially publicly visible address on your personal computer :)

Glad to hear it is working though!  Please let us know if it does anything else odd :)
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