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Author Topic: No sound or color using VT/VR46A  (Read 14897 times)

Linda L.

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No sound or color using VT/VR46A
« on: October 15, 2010, 01:47:07 AM »

I have used this transmitter and receiver successfully for a couple of years.  I recently got a new LCD TV to replace the analog one I had and am using the same DVR as before.  I just got around to connecting the transmitter to the DVR using the red, yellow and white connectors (the receiver was already connected to the second TV) and I get a decent picture on the second TV but it is black and white.  There is no sound other than the slight static I got before and the DVR remote does not work and it did in the past.  I can't find the instructions and my tech skills are limited.   

Please don't make me ask my son-in-law for help... 
He hasn't forgiven me for having him disconnect the wireless on my computer because it was causing interference.  So much for his promise of a lifetime of free tech support when he married my daughter!

Linda L.

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Re: No sound or color using VT/VR46A
« Reply #1 on: October 19, 2010, 01:40:46 AM »

HELLO!  ANYBODY OUT THERE?  Okay, I have solved the problem of the remote.  I had neglected to plug in the IR extender.  Still no sound or color.  The sound problem seems to have extended to this forum as well.  I can't hear any of the many replies I'm sure are out there.  HELP!

Brian H

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Re: No sound or color using VT/VR46A
« Reply #2 on: October 19, 2010, 07:01:37 AM »

Well I looked for the VT/VR46A manuals so I would have some chance of finding an answer.
I can not find either one listed in the X10 manuals area.
I did find it under the VK82A Kit number.

My only thought would be to check the Channel Switches on both the transmitter and receiver. To make sure they are on the same setting. A-D
You may also want to slide them from A-D a few times to work out any poor connections in the switches.

Any new devices like a 2.4GHz coredless phone? I take it the wireless network is still not in use as it can also interfere with the X10 signals.

The static on the audio was there before the TV switched to the LCD?
« Last Edit: October 19, 2010, 08:23:48 AM by Brian H »

dave w

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Re: No sound or color using VT/VR46A
« Reply #3 on: October 19, 2010, 10:00:22 AM »

I have used this transmitter and receiver successfully for a couple of years.  I recently got a new LCD TV to replace the analog one I had and am using the same DVR as before.  I just got around to connecting the transmitter to the DVR using the red, yellow and white connectors (the receiver was already connected to the second TV) and I get a decent picture on the second TV but it is black and white.  There is no sound
Is the "second TV" the new LCD TV?

Troubleshooting is just process of elimination. Did you connect DVR video and audio outputs to a TV to be sure color and audio are there?  If so, as a test of the VT/VR46A , I would try getting the receiver in the same room as the DVR/transmitter. B&W picture smacks of a weak signal but that would not explain the sudden lack of audio. Check connections again and cables. Are you connecting the TV to the RF (channel 3 output) or to the video/audio connectors of the receiver?
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