I've been struggling with this for some time now.
All my lamp modules are the LM465's, bought new in the last couple of months. So I expect they are the SoftStart type.
I have a hall lamp that I wanted on a timer. It absolutely would not turn on or off from the CM15A interface. Yet I could manually turn it on or off from AHP. The HR12A remote would not work either. Eventually I found that changing the module type in AHP to the older type made it function in the current release of AHP, the CM15A and the HR12A. When the SoftStart LM465 definition was used in AHP, the lamp was instantly on or instantly off.
I could take the lamp module, move it to my den lamp, and the SoftStart worked. I've tried several lamp modules with the same results.
On another note, in my activity log, I see 'Receive RF - M MTCDDVD'. Is this something being transmitted from my DS7000 security box?
I suspect that you might have been sold some older stock.
A quick test here agrees with my suspicion.
I have a "test rig" at work, that I use for testing different AHP things. I have a lamp plugged into a SoftStart LM465.
In AHP, I have C14 defined as a SoftStart LM465, and C13 defined as a non-softStart LM465.
With the module set to C14, clicking the switch in the AHP interface causes the lamp to "ramp-up" to full brightness. Clicking the switch "off" causes the lamp to "ramp down" to off. This is the normal behavior for a SoftStart module.
I changed the address of the module to C13, and did the same test. Sure enough, it STILL did the slow ramp-up.
Next, I used the AHCMD utility from the SDK.
(Since the SDK doesn't know if it is a SoftStart or not, I left the module definition at C14 for these tests)
Sending it "C14 On" caused a slow ramp-up.
Sending a "C14 Off" caused a slow ramp-down.
That agrees with what AHP is doing.
Sending it a "C14 ExtCode 31 3e" caused it to ramp-up to 100%.
Sending a "C14 ExtCode 31 01" caused it to ram down to the lowest dim level.
Sending a "C14 ExtCode 31 3f" caused it to turn on to full brightness immediately.
Sending a "C14 ExtCode 31 00" caused it to turn off immediately.
That agrees with the correct Extended Dim behavior.
From my experience, using a handheld remote, the SoftStart modules should ALWAYS ramp-up and ramp-down. The Handheld remotes don't send Extended Dim commands, unless you use them to trigger a macro.
Non-soft Start modules will always go to "full on" from a handheld remote.
I suggest testing each one of your modules, to try and determine if they are all, indeed, SoftStart ones.