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Author Topic: Name you own price prevents me from seeing what's available  (Read 10534 times)


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Name you own price prevents me from seeing what's available
« on: December 09, 2010, 10:22:09 AM »

I just went to the X10 home page for the first time in MANY years, and before I could see ANYthing, the "name your own price" popup popped up.

The only option I could see was "no thanks".

But I hadn't had a chance to see what was on the page, so how am I going to name a price for something I don't know about yet?

And I don't want to lose the opportunity to name my own price later, so I don't want to click "No"...

Why not hold off on the popup till AFTER I've browsed?

OR, give me another option: "remind me in a few minutes", or "remind me when I'm placing my order"



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Re: Name you own price prevents me from seeing what's available
« Reply #1 on: December 09, 2010, 10:45:59 AM »

The company, X10, doesn't monitor this website. Apparently, some techies and developers do from time to time but
certainly not sales. You might want to call X10 about the glitch.
Before you do, I recommend closing all browser sessions, clear cache, clear cookies, etc. Perhaps you've got some
old and dirty browser files left around from previous X10 visits.
AHP 3.236. CM15A. XTB-IIR. XTBM. Hauppauge 950Q.

Brian H

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Re: Name you own price prevents me from seeing what's available
« Reply #2 on: December 09, 2010, 11:13:45 AM »

Almost every page starts with a pop up that blackens most of the screen. Pushing one of the Nstinct remotes or a new AHP addon module.
So at the top of the page you have to close that one first.
Then you will get the name your price thing. Close that one also.
Then you will be able to see all of the screen.
If the screen ever turns transparent black again. Go to the top of the page and close the pop up pushing something again.

A new page may start the whole fun thing all over again.  :P
« Last Edit: December 09, 2010, 11:32:24 AM by Brian H »


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Re: Name you own price prevents me from seeing what's available
« Reply #3 on: December 09, 2010, 09:52:14 PM »

Thanks for the info! It'll help me avoid pulling out what little is left of my hair!!

But this brings back unpleasant memories...

I used to run all my X10 stuff thru a CP290 and software I wrote back in 1993. When the CP290 burned out, I decided to upgrade.

So in June of 2006, I installed Active Home on my XP PRO machine (ver 1.4). I had problems getting things to run with the CM11a, and I gave up. I quit using computer controls...

So now I'm trying to catch up, and I'm concerned because I see indications that the company still does the same "in your face" advertising, and seems to not support the software well.

I kinda hoped they'd at least be responsive to the easier-to-resolve webpage problems...

Has anything gotten better? What's the best way to interact with the company?
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