Just to continue this thread... I have fought the "...Batch Files executing" problem most of the day, and can report that
(1) Deleting the problem macro and starting over makes 'em all better. (Consistent with Noam's Reply #19 on: December 23, 2010, 05:28:05 AM)
(2) No problem running batch files under version 3.302, at least so far. See earlier warnings about quote marks in paths and filenames. I run my batch files out of C:\X-10-Tools which is nice and short and includes no spaces. Sorry- - don't waste your time trying to run in "C:\Documents and Settings\YourAcct\My Documents" or the like.
(3) Before doing anything in AHP which involves your security system, install and "shake out" the security system thoroughly. It needs to be running without problems before you begin anything with AHP. I had a problem with a DS10A door sensor which had to be licked before continuing.
(4) Before writing an AHP macro which involves Security System sensors, be sure that you run Tools | Hardware Configuration and set the House Code to where you want it to be. You will be registering security system door sensors and such a second time with AHP, and if you don't do this they'll likely pop up in house code A and you can't access them while running under another house code. [Oh, it'll look like you can, but... nope!]
(5) Install sensors in AHP one-at-a-time, cancel the install, edit the sensor's name, then click the Install button. (Otherwise, if you install before editing, you'll have to install again. Note to you AHP programmers: This needs to be changed.) Hold down the Test button on the sensor until the security system ding-dong sounds, let go, then return to your AHP console where (hopefully) it will have registered the sensor. Then check the dang thing by clicking Tools | Find other computers, to make sure you have a recognized sensor. Then build your macro.
I'm fighting duplicate sensor signals at the moment. Hopefully there's help in another thread. But thanks for the batch file discussion. ...greatly appreciated.