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Author Topic: Can't get PC to TV sender working.  (Read 7237 times)


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Can't get PC to TV sender working.
« on: January 06, 2011, 06:43:02 PM »

I just bought the X10 PC to TV Media Sender.  I get a lot of noise on the TV.  Sounds like a motorcycle and there are lots of flashes on the TV.  I tried the ABCD channel switches in all positions with no improvement.  The flat faces of the antennas are facing each other as the manual requires.  Tried the antennas in other positions but no improvement.  There is about 25 ft line of sight and no walls between them.  PC is a Dell XP desktop. 

Also the Wireless Mouse Remote does not work with the X10 software and drivers that I downloaded from a link in the X10 email that was sent to me.  The left mouse button does not work and mouse movement causes windows scrolling and jumping.  I read elsewhere in this forum that it only works with Win98?
I guess I have just wasted my time and I will have to return all this stuff tomorrow.

Part numbers are:
1 Wireless PC Transceiver CM19A
1 Mouse Remote UR86A
1 Round Video Receiver - used in VK82A VR46A
1 Round Video Sender - used in VK82A VT46A

dave w

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Can't get PC to TV sender working.
« Reply #1 on: January 06, 2011, 07:57:02 PM »

I just bought the X10 PC to TV Media Sender.  I get a lot of noise on the TV.  Sounds like a motorcycle and there are lots of flashes on the TV.  There is about 25 ft line of sight and no walls between them. 
25ft line of sight should not be a problem. The motorcycle audio and flashes sound like outside interference, or bad signal from PC. Do you have another video souce you could try in the Sender?
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Brian H

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Can't get PC to TV sender working.
« Reply #2 on: January 07, 2011, 06:59:41 AM »

Does sound like interference from things like a wireless network or 2.4GHz cordless phone.
As dave w suggested maybe trying an alternate video source would help finding the cause.
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