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Author Topic: First Macro using door sensor doesn't work  (Read 34799 times)


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Re: First Macro using door sensor doesn't work
« Reply #30 on: January 13, 2011, 11:53:45 AM »

Yeah, I'm just aiming for the "troubleshooting by process of elim" method.
The fewer conditions the better. As you prove one condition, replace it with another. Once that has one
been proven, add 'em together to test the logic. Further, you'll also be testing for potential noise on the
line, i.e., if you know the condition cannot possibly be true and the light still comes on, you've got
something else goin' on.
Once you're comfortable and you've got 100% reliability, then replace the times with dusk/dawn and retest.
I know, it's a PITA, but...
AHP 3.236. CM15A. XTB-IIR. XTBM. Hauppauge 950Q.


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Re: First Macro using door sensor doesn't work
« Reply #31 on: January 13, 2011, 04:43:06 PM »

Ok, just changed the macro as follows.

Trigger Conditions Front Door Zone 1 - Sensor Triggered and
Module Status Off - Living Room Ceiling Light and
It's after 5:00 pm and
It's before 11:59pm
End Trigger Conditions
Turn M1 ON

It was set to It's after Dusk and the light was still coming on at 2:44pm.
I'm thinking if the condition is just after Dusk or 5:00pm, the condition will always be met. I think I need the and before 11:59pm so it knows it needs to be between 5pm and midnight. I'm waiting for someone to open the front door now. My oldest should be getting home shortly so I'm watching the log.


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Re: First Macro using door sensor doesn't work
« Reply #32 on: January 13, 2011, 09:18:40 PM »

That last macro did not work, no light.

So I removed the and before 11:59pm. Still did not work

So I removed all time conditions. Only check if the light is off, if it is off, rum M1 to set Flag 1 and turn on F9. It worked. Closed the door and the light went off 30 seconds later.

Added the condition of before 11:59 pm and the light did not come on.
Now I tried using the Nighttime condition and it worked. The first time I made the macro I used Nighttime and it didn't work.

I did notice in the logs I have M MTCDDVD usually just before and sometimes after the front door sensor trigger. I did further testing and I think I might be having a reception issue because looking back through the log I see lots of front door closed but no matching front door open. So I will work on my reception. I only have 2 of my 5 sensors that show the MTCDDVD before and after the event. THe other 3 are clean.

I'm thinking even though I see the door open in the logs, having the MTCDDVD is telling me it is having problems with reception and might not be getting inturpided correctly.


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Re: First Macro using door sensor doesn't work
« Reply #33 on: January 14, 2011, 09:06:41 AM »

Ok, to test my theory of a scrambled single from the ds10a on the front door, I changed the trigger to another door that is not giving the MTCDDVD messages. No go, it still did not work. So I stopped for the night only to find out the light was now coming on and off everytime the ds10a on the front door checked in. I figured all must be screwed up now so I deleted the macros and will start over.

I was also reading in the 3.303 released thread that someone was having trouble with their timers since upgrading. I wonder if 3.301 might have the same bug/problem. So I thing I will start completely over by uninstalling everything, install 3.296 and reinstall all sensors and remotes making sure I no longer have any scrambled MTCDDVD's in the logs. I will attempt this over the weekend.


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Re: First Macro using door sensor doesn't work
« Reply #34 on: January 14, 2011, 09:19:11 AM »

That's the spirit !!!!
Keep pluggin'    You'll get it figured out.
AHP 3.236. CM15A. XTB-IIR. XTBM. Hauppauge 950Q.


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Re: First Macro using door sensor doesn't work
« Reply #35 on: January 14, 2011, 09:28:02 AM »

That's the spirit !!!!
Keep pluggin'    You'll get it figured out.

I'll be dammed if I let a software program get the best of me and beat me. I just don't work that way. Besides, all this troubleshooting and stuff just helps me understand how this stuff works.

On another note, trying to improve reception, I first did the 18" wire reflector and did get very good results. But I wanted more so I purchased an old tm751 just for the antenna. I installed that and my results are nothing better than the reflector mod. So I'm also moving on to the ground plane antenna mod. And being that in house is big I think I will do the dual antennas with a signal combiner and maybe even a rf amp.


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Re: First Macro using door sensor doesn't work
« Reply #36 on: January 14, 2011, 02:53:02 PM »

Well, being as I had some time today at work, I decided to work on this a little more before I do the reload this weekend. I did an extensive search and have found others in the past with the same or very similar problems. Basically what I've learned is the macros triggered by security sensors cannot have conditions. And that would totally explain my problem, macros triggered by security sensors ignore conditions.

So after reading I've learned I need to make my macro that is triggered by the ds10a to operate a phantom (ghost) module. Then that phantom module can trigger the macro with the conditions to turn my light on and off. Here is my latest which I need to test when I get home.

Phantom Module P1 (using appliance module)

Macro 1 -
Front Door Sensor Triggered
Turn P1 On

Macro 2 -
Front Door Sensor Closed
Turn P1 Off

Macro 3 -
Triggered by P1
If living room light off and it's nighttime
Set Flag 1
Turn F9 On

Macro 4 -
Triggered by P1
If Flag 1 On
Delay 30 seconds
Turn F9 Off
Clear Flag 1

If all works right, when the front door is opened, as long as the light is already off and it's nighttime, the living room light will turn on and flag 1 will be set. Once the door is closed and as long as flag 1 is set, it will turn the light off. This way, if the light is already on I don't send the on command again and no flag is set. Since no flag is set, if the light was already on, closing the door will not turn it off.

Got my fingers crossed.


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Re: First Macro using door sensor doesn't work
« Reply #37 on: January 14, 2011, 04:29:34 PM »

Just wanted to give a quick update. I'm watching the activity monitor from work and as my ids are coming home from school and work I can see the front door sensor turning P1 on and off as the door is opened and closed. The good news to this, the macros are not running as they shouldn't because it isn't nighttime. So even though P1 is turning on and off, the light is not. The true test will be when I get home tonight which will be after dusk and it will be nighttime. Hopefully I see the light turn on for me as I open the door. I'm optimistic it is going to work this time.

If it all works correctly I will post the macro in user defined since I have seen several others having the same problem in the past.

HA Dave

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Re: First Macro using door sensor doesn't work
« Reply #38 on: January 14, 2011, 04:47:16 PM »

I admire your persistence! The really great part is this being Friday means you can keep the kids up late tonight going outside... and then back in. Till you get this resolved.   rofl
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Re: First Macro using door sensor doesn't work
« Reply #39 on: January 14, 2011, 04:55:32 PM »

The really great part is this being Friday means you can keep the kids up late tonight going outside... and then back in. Till you get this resolved.   rofl

Yeah right!!! They will keep me up all weekend coming and going all night long. My bedroom is just off of the dining room where the security console is so I hear all the darn arms and disarms as well as the ding dongs when the door opens. My wife likes the run 2 mode so she knows when a door is opened. She works at home and we have a big house. So the ding dongs lets her know someone came in.

Coming soon is the front porch motion sensor to let her know someone is on the porch.

Then I was just looking at pc companion and will have to get that as well. I want to system to announce which door was opened. Something like a ding dong sound followed by "Front Door Opened"

I got the bug....... :'

HA Dave

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Re: First Macro using door sensor doesn't work
« Reply #40 on: January 14, 2011, 05:17:26 PM »

I got the bug....... :'

There are far worse addictions!
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Re: First Macro using door sensor doesn't work
« Reply #41 on: January 14, 2011, 09:41:33 PM »

Happy to report. IT'S WORKING!  :)% :)% :)% :)% :)%
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