Glad i could help. Now for the rest of it. Sorry for the late responce. Right now you can only access your cameras using WiFi. This is were the leg work comes in. I myself am connected to the internet using a laptop connected wirelessly to my router so bear with me on the rest.
From here you will need to contact your router manufacturer on the port forwarding. Unless you have the Cisco linksys router model E-1000; which is what i have. I can help with that model. If you want to try it yourself with another brand. you can try this web site for instructions., but if you what the easy way. Contact your router's manufacturer, and then contact the company that made your DSL/Cable modem on doing a
bridge. The DSL/Cable modem also has firewalls in them. Remember the ports you need open for connection is (internal 8777) and (external 8775). Also with your router setup see if you can exclude the computers IP address from being reassigned by the router. If not you'll need to create a static IP address. This is very important, because it will work for a time but it will not later. Talk with your router company when you do talk with them about this. Write down your router's address page if you don't have the software to access it, because you'll be going back an forth with the setup of it.
To access the cameras from the web you'll need your computers internet IP address. You can find that from this link. Type in that IP address followed with :8777/iwatchpro. This is the bulk of portforwarding. Once you have this done the rest is fine tuning. Let me know once you get this done, and I'll help you with the fine tuning. DYNDNS is a safe site and will be a part of the fine tuning process. Good luck and it is worth it.