I had the same problem using conditions with the ds10a. What you need to do is hace the ds10a turn on a phantom module when triggered and off when closed. Then you use the phantom module to trigger your lights on macro with the time conditions.
For example, ds10a triggered turns P1 on.
P1 on triggers your macro to turn on all living room lights between the time condition.
P1 is just an appliance module on an unsed house code. Take a look at my macro at http://forums.x10.com/index.php?topic=22396.0
I don't know if you saw my entire post, but I tried that already
"I tried setting up 2 macros, where the front door sensor would enable a ghost appliance sensor, then the second macro took the ghost sensor as a trigger, and threw in the timed condition. This idea from the earlier linked post. "
Thanks however for your input.
I believe there's an issue with time conditions on any AHP version beyond 3.296. You try reverting back to that version and see what happens.
Is there a way to revert back without having to reinstall all of the extra plugins I purchased? Where can I download previous versions? I don't see it listed here:
http://www.x10.com/support/support_soft1.htmI was going to ask if anyone submitted this issue to a bug tracker, but I can't seem to find one
I just started using X10 about a month ago along with Activehome Pro, and already have about 3 major bugs that need to be addressed to prevent instability. Thank you for your suggestion.
If anyone else has any suggestions that don't involve reverting, that would be great. It would also be nice to be able to turn off Activehome updating, so as not to auto-update to buggy versions. Is there an option for that?