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Author Topic: Programable Security Code to Arm/Disarm  (Read 12444 times)


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Programable Security Code to Arm/Disarm
« on: February 13, 2011, 02:57:11 PM »

Just got an email from x10 about their new security console the Securilink.  With this new console one can arm and disarm the system over the phone with a 4 digit numeric code.

Once again though the system can be armed and easily DISARMED by simply pushing a button on the console or a remote. 

They should add a function where the user can choose to use a numeric security code to arm and disarm the alarm system and add a small keypad to the remotes so that they also could be used with a numeric code or they could do it without adding a keypad with a user programmable function so that one must hit the buttons in a certain order on the remote to arm/disarm it.


Brian H

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Re: Programable Security Code to Arm/Disarm
« Reply #1 on: February 13, 2011, 06:19:38 PM »

If it is like the one they made for Radio Shack.
The remote does disarm it.
The security console needed the four digit pin typed in to disarm at the console itself.
« Last Edit: February 13, 2011, 07:42:23 PM by Brian H »


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Re: Programable Security Code to Arm/Disarm
« Reply #2 on: February 14, 2011, 01:34:42 PM »

Arm & Disarm

There's no need to rush in, set down your groceries and enter in a password within 30 seconds. Well, that's an option, if you'd prefer. However, SecuriLINK comes with two Smart Keychain Security Remotes that allow you to arm and disarm your system with the touch of a button. Arm it after you walk out your door. Disarm it with a click as you pull in the driveway. It also comes with a Main Console Remote, which allows you to arm in home or away mode, disarm and control lights!

that's taken from it looks like the code is an option.. i guess it remains to be seen..

dave w

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Re: Programable Security Code to Arm/Disarm
« Reply #3 on: February 14, 2011, 02:07:04 PM »

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Re: Programable Security Code to Arm/Disarm
« Reply #4 on: February 20, 2011, 12:19:54 AM »


dave w ???  Have no idea what ehg? is about

Quote from: jarleifv
Arm & Disarm

There's no need to rush in, set down your groceries and enter in a password within 30 seconds. Well, that's an option, if you'd prefer. However, SecuriLINK comes with two Smart Keychain Security Remotes that allow you to arm and disarm your system with the touch of a button. Arm it after you walk out your door. Disarm it with a click as you pull in the driveway. It also comes with a Main Console Remote, which allows you to arm in home or away mode, disarm and control lights!

"enter in a password within 30 seconds. Well, that's an option, if you'd prefer." I wish that was an option but apparently it is not

"two Smart Keychain Security Remotes that allow you to arm and disarm your system with the touch of a button." What is the purpose of the alarm system you installed in your home?? SECURITY??

Absolutely no need to rush in when you can simply disarm using a remote.  Perhaps you are not aware of how easy it is for someone with just a bit of technical knowledge to be able to obtain and duplicate the signal your remote is sending.  Even if a code was required like a 4 digit pin code it still can be obtained and duplicated.

USING A REMOTE to DISARM the system is very CONVIENENT but is a SECURITY HAZARD.  No different then the remote you use to ARM OR DISARM YOU CARS ALARM the signal can be captured and duplicated by those who know how.  Because of this most of the premium car alarms  now use random alternating security codes in other words at a particular interval the remote and the auto alarm system communicate with one another and the code changes which prevents the signal thief from using say the signals that he recorded hours or days before.  I believe the only way that the signal changes with the x10 system is if you shut down the system and reregister your remotes.

Don't get me wrong I like the remote function and use mine although I think the remotes could be made more secure if they followed the methods used by the manufacturers of the better auto alarm systems.  As an alternative if there was a choice of making it more difficult to disarm the system i.e. pin code to enter on the console before it was disarmed I would forgo the use of my remote for that purpose.

If you arm your system at the console or your handheld remote set to max and your door sensors are set to max then you can walk into your house and push a button and your alarm is turned off. If someone else enters your house it is just as easy for them to push that same button within 30 seconds.   With a programmable pin code that would not be the case.

If the x10 security system had a programmable or user selectable time delay and required a user programmable pin code to disarm it's purpose WHICH IS SECURITY would be greatly enhanced.  I'm new to these forums but before making my first post here I realized that X10 pays little to no regard to anything in these forums that is well documented so no one is going to change my opinion about that.  There are major bugs in the Vangard software that people of talked about for years and yet they are still pushing the same program off the shelf without fixes.  Just as I know none of these suggestions will reach any kind of fruition which is unfortunate as these enhancements could be added and would not increase the cost of manufacturing these units by more then a few cents and they could be added without removing the current less secure convienent options that the system currently uses.  It would however require the x10 company to employ or use as a consultant an ACCOMPLISHED SOFTWARE ENGINEER that KNEW WHAT HE WAS DOING - and after one reads these forums it doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize that whoever they used in the past was neither accomplished nor talented.


dave w

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Re: Programable Security Code to Arm/Disarm
« Reply #5 on: February 20, 2011, 07:06:25 PM »

If you arm your system at the console or your handheld remote set to max and your door sensors are set to max then you can walk into your house and push a button and your alarm is turned off. If someone else enters your house it is just as easy for them to push that same button within 30 seconds.   With a programmable pin code that would not be the case.

If the x10 security system had a programmable or user selectable time delay and required a user programmable pin code to disarm it's purpose WHICH IS SECURITY would be greatly enhanced. 
As near as I can tell the new system does everything you say it doesn't. Which is why I kicked the ball back to you.
It does not disarm with a console button push, as you claim (neither did the DS7000). I don't know where you conjured that but is obvious you don't have any X10 security system but feel qualified to critique *shortcomings* when those shortcomings do not exist. That isn't what the "Wish List" is about.
It does have a keypad and require a PIN.  As far as the key fob/remote control for Arm/Disarm, each key fob/remote control is electronically keyed to one console, so what is the problem? Unless you label the back of your key fob with your home address and drop it in the Wal-Mart lot, I don't see the lack of security you imply.

No different then the remote you use to ARM OR DISARM YOU CARS ALARM the signal can be captured and duplicated by those who know how. 
Do you have an idea how hard this is, or what kind of equipment it takes? If you live in a home likely to be burglerized by a thief with this type of sophistication, you would be very foolish to put your trust in a $150 security system. 

No the system does not utilize “rolling code” which you imply it should because “better auto alarms” do. HOW MUCH DO THESE SYSTEMS COST? A great deal more than 150 bucks. Of course the 150 bucks is an "introductory price" which is "X10ese" for "we'll never charge more than this". It will be down to 59.95 soon.

The system is designed and priced as a Ford Focus, which means it does not have Lincoln features.
« Last Edit: February 21, 2011, 05:25:43 PM by dave w »
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