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Author Topic: SC1200 display errors with zones  (Read 87819 times)


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Re: SC1200 display errors with zones--what the heck???
« Reply #90 on: June 28, 2011, 10:22:16 PM »

H Brian,
 I am using DS10A... all ,   sometimes it shows the "---zone is open",   ... the problem is like , it seems to me, the closeness to the sensors... I just took the console, unplugged it, and tried EVERY sensor at the max closeness... they ALL WORKED ...  sometimes I had to open and close the door 2x...?????..... so, the distance is the main problem for " problem in zone...."..... What do I need to use to make them all work...I have RR501 scattered around the house....they seem to help on the level floor, but lower down  to the entrance and basement I keep getting those error messages....

  Looks like x10 invented ALL this to keep minds working and never be at peace?????

Brian H

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Re: SC1200 display errors with zones
« Reply #91 on: June 29, 2011, 06:21:54 AM »

Can't speak for X10 as we are mostly volunteers here.

When you open a zone. The sensor sends an RF signal to the console. The information is the Zone ID Number and if it was an Instant or Delayed Trigger message.

When you close the zone. It sends the Zone ID Number and Sensor Closed message.

About every hour it sends the Zone Triggered or Zone Closed message depending if it is open or closed.  So the console knows it can still receive the sensors. If it misses the hourly messages after four hours it shows a Trouble Zone message for that zone.

If you have to open and close the zone repeatedly and the LED flashes everytime on the sensor. To have it be received by the consloe. You do have an RF distance issue from the sensor in question and the console. If the LED didn't flash everytime. Then the magnetic switch or magnet have issues.

Are you getting any Trouble Zone Messages?

The RR501 does not process security sensor RF signals and the consloe does not use power line signals for zone messages. So the RR501 in this case has no bearing on your situation.
« Last Edit: June 29, 2011, 06:49:36 AM by Brian H »


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Re: SC1200 display errors with zones
« Reply #92 on: June 29, 2011, 11:28:58 AM »

I had similar issue: Thinking I installed the DS10A in a location with solid RF connection but finding it was marginal after a few weeks via problem zone.  In some cases I have solved using passive antenna/relocating/reorient. For all this effort, I have lots of extra holes in my wall and less hair on my head. I think SC1200/DS10A combo will work in small homes or small store with wide open spaces but I would have hard time recommending this system to anyone not willing or not capable to go through the above steps especially for larger homes. 

On the more positive note, I get a relatively inexpensive system that sends text message on ARM, alarm trigger and delayed entry.  Once the warranty runs out, I'm hoping to hack and extend the SC1200 antenna to reach my last 8 DS10A sensors.   When it gets cooler in the attic, I'm hoping to run long 50 ft wires from the DS10A to the magnetic switches to deploy to unreachable locations.


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Re: SC1200 display errors with zones
« Reply #93 on: June 29, 2011, 12:51:29 PM »

First of all, I shouldn't open my mouth (so to speak), as X10 always seems to prove me wrong!  Zone four with it's "Trouble Zone" problem is now stable as heck but it makes no sense.  I actually took some measurements before posting.  First of all, distance/range was never in question here as I have sensors upstairs and in other rooms in this 48'x28' home and a motion detector in the basement without any issues.  The 12A sensor is/was mounted on the lower window and the magnet on the upper window.  I only ever open (lower) the upper window so for all intents and purposes the sensor is in a stationary location.  At a hight of 55" it was diagonally located 17' from the console (which is mounted 61" high) in the same room.  I've moved it (27") from the right side of the window to the left side and it is now 16' from the console.  You can see the old mounting tape and the new location in the image.  Should not have made any difference!  I was going to try a different magnet, then batteries, then sensor but I set the sensor and magnet on top of an entertainment center for a day and it was stable so I thought I'd just try this minor relocation first.  The TV could not have been involved since it was never in direct line with it and now the location is even closer but still not in line.  I've come to the conclusion that the sensors are just very finicky.  I had one that was continually registering "Tamper" and was I about to return it but instead daisy chained it for a double vertical window location and have not had a peep from it for weeks.  I guess my one concern would be that the setups decide to act up later.


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Re: SC1200 display errors with zones
« Reply #94 on: June 29, 2011, 01:11:19 PM »

Location is everything.
The antenna in the DS12A is on the PC Board and laying down as you have it. The signal radiates differently than if mounted in a vertical mode.
« Last Edit: June 29, 2011, 01:13:37 PM by Brian H »


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Re: SC1200 display errors with zones
« Reply #95 on: June 29, 2011, 02:48:33 PM »

Location is everything.
The antenna in the DS12A is on the PC Board and laying down as you have it. The signal radiates differently than if mounted in a vertical mode.
Not sure if you were replying to my post but my 1200 is hanging on a wall.

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Re: SC1200 display errors with zones
« Reply #96 on: June 30, 2011, 06:19:10 AM »

Yes moving it that small distance could change the SC1200's receiving the DS12As signal.
My antenna theory is getting real rusty from lack of use.
With the SC1200 hanging on the wall. Its antenna is in the vertical plane and the DS12As antenna is in the horizontal plane when it is on the window sill. Making reception more critical.

The tamper reporting. Could have been the small switch on the DS12As circuit board. When the cover is closed. There is a small extrusion in the cover that pushes the switch. The same switch used to initialize it when first installed.
Maybe it was just about switching sometimes. When you moved it. It probably changed position slightly and now is being pushed correctly.
« Last Edit: June 30, 2011, 08:23:13 AM by Brian H »


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Re: SC1200 display errors with zones
« Reply #97 on: June 30, 2011, 10:26:37 PM »

Yes moving it that small distance could change the SC1200's receiving the DS12As signal.
My antenna theory is getting real rusty from lack of use.
With the SC1200 hanging on the wall. Its antenna is in the vertical plane and the DS12As antenna is in the horizontal plane when it is on the window sill. Making reception more critical.

The tamper reporting. Could have been the small switch on the DS12As circuit board. When the cover is closed. There is a small extrusion in the cover that pushes the switch. The same switch used to initialize it when first installed.
Maybe it was just about switching sometimes. When you moved it. It probably changed position slightly and now is being pushed correctly.
Actually, when I was having that trouble, I mentioned that I put two slivers of duck tape on the + that pushes the switch (although it wasn't in my "Tamper" thread), as I had the same thought.  You help a gazillion people on here so I wouldn't expect you to remember!  Thanks as always.


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Re: SC1200 display errors with zones
« Reply #98 on: July 07, 2011, 11:21:48 PM »

I have had my system for about 2 weeks, my motion and door sensors won't stay paired.  I cannot arm my system, because there is always a problem or seven!  I pair everything no problem, but they just won't stay "checked in"  B:(. Time to call x10 I guess... Glad I am not alone.

Brian H

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Re: SC1200 display errors with zones
« Reply #99 on: July 08, 2011, 06:03:49 AM »

What error are you getting? Problem Zone, Tamper in a Zone, Low Battery or Open Zone when it is closed?

I got a Open Zone one time when it was closed. I have an unproven theory. I opened and then closed the zone, but the closed message was missed. Now if I had waited for it to do its checking message. It should have corrected back to closed and I would have had an error for at least an hour.
« Last Edit: July 08, 2011, 06:07:05 AM by Brian H »


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Re: SC1200 display errors with zones
« Reply #100 on: July 08, 2011, 04:59:39 PM »

Another glitch worth paying attention to!  The following occurred at least one other time while setting sensors.  Normally after the batteries are positioned and you press the button to select the random code, the green light illuminates once and then after holding it down for a few seconds it will flash several times.  I finished the last of the 16 door/window installs this afternoon and one sensor started flashing during the instant I depressed the button.  I removed the batteries, waited about a minute and it did it again.  I'm wondering if the zone(s) that give me occasional issues have the sensor(s) that did that?  At least now I'll be able to monitor this sensor.   One other possibility is that for some reason, when the button was depressed, it immediately selected a code that had already been used.  The reason I even suspect this is after it did the multiple flashing, I registered it and it registered a zone I have out (3), even though I set the console to register it as zone 14.

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Re: SC1200 display errors with zones
« Reply #101 on: July 08, 2011, 09:00:06 PM »

In theory.
Trying to register a sensor that has the same ID as another one. Should not happen.
I tried to re-register one and it was not added to my SC1200A and On-Alert flagged it as a duplicate. Asking are you sure you activated the correct sensor?

Are you using DS12As or DS10As? If memory serves me you have both styles.
Was one model more prone to your problems?


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Re: SC1200 display errors with zones
« Reply #102 on: July 08, 2011, 10:19:59 PM »

In theory.
Trying to register a sensor that has the same ID as another one. Should not happen.
I tried to re-register one and it was not added to my SC1200A and On-Alert flagged it as a duplicate. Asking are you sure you activated the correct sensor?

Are you using DS12As or DS10As? If memory serves me you have both styles.
Was one model more prone to your problems?
All 12s!

Brian H

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Re: SC1200 display errors with zones
« Reply #103 on: July 09, 2011, 06:08:08 AM »

So you set the ID with the internal button.
Then closed the cover on the DS12A.
Closed the zone.
Started the SC1200 add a zone.
Opened the zone to add it.


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Re: SC1200 display errors with zones
« Reply #104 on: July 09, 2011, 11:13:46 AM »

So you set the ID with the internal button.
Then closed the cover on the DS12A.
Closed the zone.
Started the SC1200 add a zone.
Opened the zone to add it.
I'll attempt to replay!  I inserted the batteries, instead of the green light illuminating once and staying off until the button was released, it kept flashing while the button was held down.  I replaced the lid and either when I placed it and the magnet together or when I separated them (probably the former, as I probably hadn't set the console to install (zone 15) yet, but not sure!) it registered zone 3.  I removed the batteries for a minute or longer and after removing zone 3 (which was originally out) replaced the batteries and the same green light issue occurred.  Eventually it did register as zone 15 and no problems there yet!  As I'd mentioned, I had at least one other sensor's light act like that during setup.
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