Hi all. Long time X10 user here (and forum lurker). I figured it was time I post--of course, to ask for help
When X10 was doing the big sale a week or two ago, I bought a floodcam package. I'd read up on the criticism and praise of the cam on the forums and figured, with the sale price, I might as well give it a go. The cam does OK for what I wanted to do, although the IR filter mod is definitely on the to do list if I'm going to see anything but a point source of light at night.
Anyway, on to the problem. The lights came on at dusk like a good little floodcam and went off about a minute later. Then on a minute after that. Then off a minute later. Then on...then off...you get the idea. AHP shows it's receiving an On command followed by an Off every 60 to 75 seconds; AHP is not transmitting. Having had temperamental motion lights in the past, I checked the aim of the bulbs, checked for "leaky" light hitting the IR sensor, looked for something reflective, etc etc. I also tried a different house and unit code, although nothing should be interfering. I tried the FloodCam Troubleshooting on X10's site. Finally, I had the idea that maybe the bulbs themselves (somehow...) were confusing the day/night or motion sensor, so I unscrewed them. With no bulbs or other light source or motion at all, it's still cycling on and off as reported by AHP about every minute.
Any ideas? Did I get a defective one? TIA!