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I am stumped.....after year (and some issues now and then) X-10 is not working!


I have been using X10 for well over 25 years, there have been issues on and off but generally I can figure them out or they correct themselves.
For the past 3 months nothing seems to be working. Lights don't go on and off as scheduled, when they do it happens at the wrong times and or they go on and off in short order. I have about 8 modules with CM11A controllers.  For a few years I have used two CM11A’s programmed identically located in different areas of the house (4200 square feet).  Once in a while I can get a light to turn on and off but one that seemed to work went on (in the bedroom) at 5:08 AM and before I could get to it to turn off it had turned on and off 3 times!
I am finding that even when I try using the Transceiver module with remote, that also does not turn lights on and off.  I am baffled. Things I have done:
Cleared and reloaded the controllers more times than I want to acknowledge
Checked the programs as I always needed to reload when we change the clocks even though I set the appropriate dates in the software
Checked all the modules to be sure they are set properly
Placed one of the controllers in an outlet directly next to the main power panel 
Nothing has resolved it.
I have purchased a XPCR coupler repeater XPCR, but have not installed it.....hate to waste the money and not have the bloody stuff work. HELP

Brian H:
Have you looked at any of the troubleshooting threads over the years?
As more electronics are added to homes over time. X10 signals seem to get clobbered more these days.


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