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Author Topic: system variables - eg. %day%/%month%  (Read 4950 times)


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system variables - eg. %day%/%month%
« on: May 09, 2011, 07:53:49 PM »

I hope it this makes sense. I don't recall the (proper) name of these types of variables.
Several programs I've used have variables that can be substituted by the program for day/time/host..
Is active home pro/smart macros able to do this?

I have a smart macro to trigger an email during certain hours of the day,
i'd like the email subject or body to have the trigger time/date and, if possible, the module name:
eg. %module% triggered on %hour%;%min%:%sec% on %day%:%mon%:%yr%

The reason for that is my blackberry doesn't always show the correct email time/date but instead
its retrieval from the server. So even if the email is 20mins old, or a day, its date/time shows when
its received on the blackberry.

I'd appreciate help if it can be done. i can't search for it in faq because I'm not sure what they are called..


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Re: system variables - eg. %day%/%month%
« Reply #1 on: May 20, 2011, 12:55:17 PM »

This is probably the same question - is there a way to put a time-stamp in an email that one sends? X10 emails have a time stamp 4 hours different than our time zone and it would be useful to quickly see the actual time an email is sent.
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