I'm still dealing with a sensor that occasionally registers as a trouble zone. This is the one located diagonally 16' from the console and mounted horizontally, as opposed to vertically, as most of my window sensors are. An image was provided in the "display errors" thread (reply #93). 99 9/10% of the time the sensor and magnet are not engaged as the window is open. After I moved the the setup from the right to the left side of the window, as detailed in reply #93, the zone did not "blink" for several days but did eventually. I'd read about the addition of an antenna to the sensor and researched whether copper could be used. Most information referred to receiving antennas but I didn't really find that it could not be used as transmission material. Assuming greater (diameter) is better and having read that stranded is acceptable I first used 19" of stranded 16 gage rapped around the top of the sensor. That did not work, as the console eventually registered a flashing zone 4! I've now had several trouble free days merely using 19" of bell wire. So it remains to be seen if that is just coincidence or the result of the bell wire antenna. In an attempt to set this system up as fool proof as possible, if the bell wire antenna is functional, I'll use the system on six windows upstairs, one of which over probably a month period registered trouble one time also. My question is then, can mere bell wire work? Thank you!