I've had my SC1200 for 1.5 months now and it's worked fine straight out of the box on the first time. It has triggered three times all were valid.
1) I came home and opened the door forgetting I had the system armed (2nd day of having it)
2) I was at home and had set the armed away instead armed home from my bedroom. Came down during the night to get some milk and tripped the hallway motion sensor.

3) Testing the system for the fire alarm mod I did (see below for more)
--KNOCK ON WOOD-- that it stays like that.
I have a small 1200 sqft multi-level house so not sure if that helps with the range issues some of you are having that I am not. I have a mix of DS10A and DS12A for the doors and windows in the house. In addition I have added several
fire alarm mod sensors as well and my system has worked like it should.
BTW I am using a cellphone for my "landline" as oppose to a real land line.
I use something called the xlink to get my spare cellphone to act like a land line.
Here is a
review and "how to" of the product.
About the only issue I had at the beginning was getting the power horns to work but that was me mis-reading the directions (the info that came with them is incorrect) but got help on these forums that they now work. I still don't think they are loud enough and have been looking at making either a custom horn to add to the system or just getting an old cassette tape radio leaving it "on" to play a cassette with an "alarm noise" and plugging it to an appliance module that is setup to the same code as the lights and when the alarm triggers it would also play.

Need to test that theory a bit more but other than that no complains.
Now with that said this alarm (x10) or any alarm for that matter is not the be all end all for home security.
Home security is about layers of defense. In particular order:
- alarm system
- lighting for the perimeter of your house
- securing doors and windows
- a safe for your valuables bolted to the floor
- homeowners insurance
- adding torn bushes to obstruct window on 1st floor with ease asses
- adding security film to glass (windows/doors) (ie. 3M security film)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vYdVK3BqPfk&feature=player_embeddedhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6lFCbjV7NgQ&feature=player_embeddedhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6HczmrOj0HY&feature=player_embedded- get a big dog
reinforce the door so it's harder to kick in
Thieves consider this when targeting a home/biz.
does it look like an easy target?
does it look 'messy' in the yard, if so then neighbors may not notice any disarray the criminals cause.
are there 'alarm company' stickers on doors/windows?
can they see cameras or other things that will cause them to be identified?
are the security layers real or fake? Generic stickers or security stickers that are not from a known security company?
are their thorn bushes or decorative plants under the windows?
is the deadbolt cheap or a quality unit?
do the doors look solid?
are the windows accessible or raised?
They want an easy target they can do a quick smash and grab. If your house looks like too much trouble guess what? They are going to go elsewhere.