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Author Topic: SC1200 problem with zones  (Read 24004 times)


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Re: SC1200 problem with zones
« Reply #30 on: May 20, 2011, 05:21:11 PM »

I would agree with Brian. I have had issues where alignment was an issue. It was a little frustrating. A simple test I would try is take the sensor and place the magnet and sensor  by the system and see if you are still having the problem. I would wonder if it could have anything to do with the antenna in the unit. Just worth a try. My thought would be if it is working OK as it is closer to the unit, I would then start focusing on the unit being faulty. I would think that, it may be a stretch. But worth looking at.

Let me know if you need anything else.


Hello Mike Thank you for responding. This is my second brand new SC1200 unit. I have about 20 brand new sensors that I have tried on the Zone #2 door. I have all new batteries as well. I tried even spacing the sensor and no matter what I do that zone will end up showing open. Previously I was thiking it was just that door but then I started to experience the same problem on 2 other doors in my home that were even closer to my base unit the SC1200. Even the x10 techs thought my SC1200 was defective. I now have a brand new SC1200 and the same issues as before. Really annoying to figure out what is wrong. I am thinking maybe I should get the prior unit before the SC1200?


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Re: SC1200 problem with zones
« Reply #31 on: May 20, 2011, 05:28:46 PM »

I would agree with Brian. I have had issues where alignment was an issue. It was a little frustrating. A simple test I would try is take the sensor and place the magnet and sensor  by the system and see if you are still having the problem. I would wonder if it could have anything to do with the antenna in the unit. Just worth a try. My thought would be if it is working OK as it is closer to the unit, I would then start focusing on the unit being faulty. I would think that, it may be a stretch. But worth looking at.

Let me know if you need anything else.

Hi Brian! Thanks for your help. I am not sure what the problem is. I could try putting the sensor on a different part of the door in zone 2. Not sure what is wrong but I may try that. However if that does resolve my zone #2 issue, then it does not explain why the original and always working zone #1 started to have the same issue after running flawlessly for weeks. Weird weird weird!

Jeff M

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Re: SC1200 problem with zones
« Reply #32 on: May 20, 2011, 05:35:42 PM »

On the Zone 2 door and the other doors that are giving you problems, what is between the sensors and the console?  Specificaly, are there interior or exterior walls between the sensors and the console.  I have been having problems with one of my sensors that is no more than 10 to 15 feet from the console.  Due to the layout of my house, the signal from this sensor has to penetrate two exterior walls to get to the console.  I open and close the door, and the led flashes, but no chime from the console.  If I touch the side of the sensor (I make a good passive antenna) while opening and closing the door, the console chimes. Time to cut up a coat hanger for a permanent passive antenna.  I think the wire mesh holding the stucco exterior is blocking the signal.  Just sharing this experience in case your problem is similar.


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Re: SC1200 problem with zones
« Reply #33 on: May 20, 2011, 08:53:50 PM »

I still have my old model as well. It worked great. Here is another thought. What kind of batteries are you using?

I'd be willing to set up your SC1200 on my system to see if it work, if it would help. Ill keep pondering over this. I feel like I am over looking something.


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Re: SC1200 problem with zones
« Reply #34 on: May 26, 2011, 05:22:14 PM »

On the Zone 2 door and the other doors that are giving you problems, what is between the sensors and the console?  Specificaly, are there interior or exterior walls between the sensors and the console.  I have been having problems with one of my sensors that is no more than 10 to 15 feet from the console.  Due to the layout of my house, the signal from this sensor has to penetrate two exterior walls to get to the console.  I open and close the door, and the led flashes, but no chime from the console.  If I touch the side of the sensor (I make a good passive antenna) while opening and closing the door, the console chimes. Time to cut up a coat hanger for a permanent passive antenna.  I think the wire mesh holding the stucco exterior is blocking the signal.  Just sharing this experience in case your problem is similar.

Hello Jeff! Thanks for your help. On the door with zone 2, the door is a back door to the house on a porch. From that porch there is the kitchen wall, then from there the parlor off of the kitchen. I have tried placing the SC1200 in the kitchen which is about 15ft from the zonme 2 sensor that I have trouble with. No matter where I put that SC1200 zone 2 will be come a problem. At one point I thought my issue was just with zone 2. I setup a 3rd sensor on zone 3 on another door of a second entrance. That zone 3 out of the blue would also have trouble. That made myself and the X10 technician think my SC1200 was defective. I am now working with my second brand new SC1200 but I am back to my old problem of only 1 sensor on the main entrance working and any others added cause be fals open issues as Zone 2 is doing. My home was built in the 1800s so there is not much in between the walls to cause signal loss or barriers. I have tried several out of the box sensors as well as a brick of new batteries. The console chime works fine even on Zone 2.


Brian H

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Re: SC1200 problem with zones
« Reply #35 on: July 25, 2011, 08:14:46 AM »

I found something last night.
Due to the weather. I have a cranky back door and had to open and reclose it. I got the open zone chime but must have closed the door too fast. The SC1200 still showed zone 2 open. It did correct itself. The first time the DS12A sensor checked in for the am I alive test.
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