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Author Topic: Wireless Video Receiver Antenna Mod???  (Read 7586 times)


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Wireless Video Receiver Antenna Mod???
« on: July 28, 2011, 09:40:52 AM »

Is there anyway to make a mod for the Wireless Video Receiver so that i can pick up video from long distances?  Sort of interested in war driving just for fun. So is there any way to make an antenna(Possibly one using my old satellite dish on my roof of my house? id like a multi directional one instead of a cantenna one direction one.   Any help would be great. Thanks.

dave w

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Re: Wireless Video Receiver Antenna Mod???
« Reply #1 on: July 28, 2011, 12:07:41 PM »

Is there anyway to make a mod for the Wireless Video Receiver so that i can pick up video from long distances?  So is there any way to make an antenna(Possibly one using my old satellite dish on my roof of my house? id like a multi directional one instead of a cantenna one direction one.   
The easy answer is No.

In order to stay below the FCC radar, all X10 transmitters (video, audio, and remote control, etc) are extremely low power with very, very, limited range. In theory your idea of using a dish reflector to increase range would work, but "multi directional" and "satellite dish" are mutually exclusive. You would need to keep the receiving dish preciously aimed at the transmitting dish at all times. Pretty hard to do once you lose line of sight.

There are ways to do what you want, but X10 just doesn't fill the bill. Do you know any hams?
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Re: Wireless Video Receiver Antenna Mod???
« Reply #2 on: July 28, 2011, 02:36:35 PM »

Thanks for the reply. Let's say for instance....I didn't care about staying under the FCC radar?  What kind of hook up would you recommend?    And no i don't know any hams, except for the one in my fridge.

dave w

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Re: Wireless Video Receiver Antenna Mod???
« Reply #3 on: July 28, 2011, 04:21:27 PM »

Thanks for the reply. Let's say for instance....I didn't care about staying under the FCC radar?  What kind of hook up would you recommend?    And no i don't know any hams, except for the one in my fridge.
The output of the Video Sender would need to be much higher, It would be easy to say "you need a 2.4 GHz linear amp" but that is as far as I can get you. Hams (amature radio)have been broadcasting video for ages which is why I made the reference to hams.

Using dishes won't work.  You would not be able to keep them aimed.

Where do you want to do the mobile video?

You might be able to do it through WiFi, or cell phone 3G or 4G service. but I can't tell you how...maybe there is a WiFi/3G  expert monitoring.

IMHO you are barking up the wrong tree when you look at X10 video sender/video receiver for long distance video transmission. It's like trying to pull out a tree stump with a tricycle.
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