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Author Topic: Delay arming  (Read 3198 times)


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Delay arming
« on: August 08, 2011, 12:10:04 AM »

I have been unable to get my system to have a delayed alarm on entry or exit when using the Model SH624 Security/Home Automation Remote.  I checked twice to make sure that the console delays are set properly AND I’ve checked the door sensors to make sure that they are set to MAX but the alarms fire IMMEDIATELY.  [I checked in the MIN position just in case somehow the sensors were wired backwards, but that made no difference]  How can this be fixed?

Brian H

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Re: Delay arming
« Reply #1 on: August 08, 2011, 06:12:48 AM »

The Max switch on the SH624 should add the delay to both Arm Home and Arm Away. Adding a delay to Arm Home didn't make too much sense to me, but my SH624 did add the delay if set to Max.

If the switch on the SH624 is set to MIN. There is no delay for either Arm Home or Arm Away.

When I used my SH624 with the Switch set to Max. The SC1200 indicated a Exit Delay was being processed on the LCD screen.
Then showed either Armed Away or Armed Home depending on which function button on the SH624 was pressed. After the exit delay time expired.
Opening a zone with a delay set to max, did wait the entry delay before triggering an alarm.

You are also correct for the switch in the sensors. If set to min. There is no entry delay.

« Last Edit: August 09, 2011, 07:48:01 AM by Brian H »
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