X10 Zone > Article Discussion

Future of X10

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dave w:
This does not provide a rosey outlook either.


--- Quote from: B.A. on August 12, 2011, 09:18:20 AM ---I have noticed that most of the recent "sales events" ::) focus mainly on cameras

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They just introduced the new 900 MHz cameras, I bet they are trying to get rid of the old ones, at least with some of those deals.

dave w:

--- Quote from: JeffVolp on August 12, 2011, 12:36:32 AM ---
I read an article linked on the HomeSeer board that makes me wonder about the future availability of X10 equipment:


Is this just an unsubstantiated rumor being spread by someone who hates X10?


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X10 is having some issues but what Jacobson is saying is not entirely accurate. Perhaps CE Pro will have some clarification soon.

HA Dave:
I likely have enough X10 devices to last a lifetime (since I am already old, anyway). But just in case.... I think I will buy some extra while I can. The idea of no more X10... makes me feel ill.

In the event... that someday soon this Site fails to load... it was very nice reading your [all of you] posts and learning from your input.

Brian H:
 -:) Start a rumor they are closing.
Everybody panics and buys extra stuff.
Slumping sales go up.  ;D


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