After reading the comments like these floodcams are terrible and the post from Engineer saying how much trouble he was having with false triggering, I felt compelled to write
regarding how good it works.

First installed the floodcam on detached garage, looking down driveway. Set address to same code as other X-10 floodlights I have on the garage. Instantly had trouble with floodcam triggering the onther floodlights. So, floodcam switched to an address that nothing else was on and eureaka! Success. The X-10 Floodcam works great.
No false triggering of lights or camera. Motion is sensed at about 25 to 30 feet out. Turn off after about 1 minute (I have the on-time set to minimum).
I have the other setting about mid-dial. Seems to about right, lights trigger on by motion about 1/2 hour before dusk light level. Note: This setting does allow lights to trigger on on cloudy days too. May want to set a bit darker.
Camera quality is okay, about what you would expect for a low res color picture. Camera is not low light rated so, night picture is pretty dark even with floods on. Overall, you can see motion, and what is causing (i.e. person, cat, dog etc.), what they are wearing, but you cannot make out for sure facial details. In other words, you are not going know whether the guy has a mole or has shaved today, but you can tell if someone is prowling around.
I have the V36 video receiver. It works acceptably and it is about 50 feet from the floodcam, near the outside wall that "sees" the garage.
I recommend this product to anyone looking for a low cost solution to X10 floodlighting with prowler cam.