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Author Topic: Chime unit Upgrade Request  (Read 6160 times)


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Chime unit Upgrade Request
« on: August 25, 2011, 01:36:52 PM »

On the same note as the Remote Sensors.  It would be really nice if the chime units were capable of producing a different chime base on a switch setting in the unit.  Using a chime for anyone approaching the door with a remote sensor confuses the family if they also hear the remote doorbell chime go off, since they are the same unit, they make the same tone and you can't tell which is which.  It could'nt be that hard to create a chime that offers 3-4 different tones.  Even better would be a unit that stored a sound WAV file on memory chip that the user could load themselves.  Again, mods that I'd be will to pay extra for if such a beast were available.
Anyone know of a different chime unit that works with the X10 Systems?



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Re: Chime unit Upgrade Request
« Reply #1 on: August 25, 2011, 10:10:17 PM »

With AHP, you can have a macro that will play a WAV file.
So, just use that, keep the PC on, and put speakers where you want to hear the sound.
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