I hesitate to post suggestions because I am no expert and only have some experience to offer. Also, I think what I have to suggest may be obvious anyway, but please bear with me because my suggestion has raised some questions in my mind that maybe someone can answer.
I have observed that my sensors seem to trigger easily from cars and trucks on a nearby road, but only when it is relatively dark. My thinking is the sensors detect the headlights or maybe even the running lights of the cars and trucks, so I was going to suggest trying an automotive light bulb to trigger the sensors.
But then I realized something that seems contradictory, and so it turns my suggestion into a question instead. The contradiction is that even though my sensors seem to react well to the traffic on the nearby road, they often do not respond to cars in my own driveway, which runs nearly parallel to the road, but about 30' closer to the sensors. I do not understand this. Can anyone explain why this happens? It seems like lights in the driveway, being closer to the sensors, would appear more intense and also give more horizontal movement, which is what triggers the sensors as I understand things.
Anyway, I have two questions:
Do the motion sensors actually react to automotive lights, or are they triggering on something else?
Why do the sensors trigger much better on cars and trucks that are on the road, which is further away, than they do for cars and trucks in my driveway, which is closer to the sensors? My driveway averages about 35' away from the two motion sensors, and the road is at least another 30' beyond my driveway. I believe even the driveway is beyond the specified range of the sensors anyway, and the road is almost twice as far, so things do not make sense to me.
PS: I really do not want the sensors to detect the traffic on the road, but if they detect traffic in my driveway, that would be OK. Any suggestions how I could get the sensors to give that desired result? Thanks!