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Author Topic: So I've had the SC1200 and 18 zones now for eight months!  (Read 5127 times)


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So I've had the SC1200 and 18 zones now for eight months!
« on: January 12, 2012, 06:19:09 PM »

I have one 10A sensor, 15 12As, two motion detectors, two alarms plugged in and three lamp modules synced with the system.  The house is two story 48'x28'.  Not recommended, but I've been using generic drugstore batteries which I did replace before leaving for the children's homes at Thanksgiving (six month change as I believe is recommended).  I really only arm the system about once/month but I check the console continuously for zones that are out.  Has pretty much been perfect for months.  What I've learned: Yes, this system can be frustrating.  I suspect the sensors do not have equal signal strength.  What I had to do is move sensor #x to location D, sensor #x to location G, etc.  Another observation is sensor position.  They really do seem to have to be vertical, even if they are upside down.  After changing batteries, if it doesn't go smoothly or takes longer than 30 seconds, just leave them out for several hours and reset the zone. 
I keep reading about extending the 1200's antenna.  How do you do that?  Another question, once the condescent bulbs are gone, what alternative do we have with modules to flash the new bulbs?

Brian H

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Re: So I've had the SC1200 and 18 zones now for eight months!
« Reply #1 on: January 12, 2012, 07:08:08 PM »

You mean replacements for incandescent bulbs with lamp modules and dimmer wall switches? The console can flash on an alarm.
Incadescent bulbs are not totally banned. Manufacturers are making bulbs that do meet the new Energy Standards. I have a few Sylvania Super Saver 72 watt ones that are equivalent to the old 100 watt bulbs. They are halogen and work fine with lamp modules and dimmer wall switches.
Most major bulb manufacturers have bulbs that meet the standards. So you will still be able to flash your lights on an alarm.


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Re: So I've had the SC1200 and 18 zones now for eight months!
« Reply #2 on: January 12, 2012, 09:05:51 PM »

You mean replacements for incandescent bulbs with lamp modules and dimmer wall switches? The console can flash on an alarm.
Incadescent bulbs are not totally banned. Manufacturers are making bulbs that do meet the new Energy Standards. I have a few Sylvania Super Saver 72 watt ones that are equivalent to the old 100 watt bulbs. They are halogen and work fine with lamp modules and dimmer wall switches.
Most major bulb manufacturers have bulbs that meet the standards. So you will still be able to flash your lights on an alarm.

Thanks Brian!  How do you extend the SC1200 antenna?  I thought it was inside (and not accessible) the unit.

Brian H

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Re: So I've had the SC1200 and 18 zones now for eight months!
« Reply #3 on: January 13, 2012, 06:35:48 AM »

Yes it is wrapped around the inside of the case. In a small channel between the top and bottom case halves.
You may want to use our search function. Maybe SC1200 and antenna or SC12 and antenna. Seems the SC1200 is on the box and sales pages while the model sticker on the unit says SC12.

I believe mike did four of them he bought. The power line interface that plugs into the wall isolates the AC from the SC1200 electronics. So snaking it out of the case should not be a problem.


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Re: So I've had the SC1200 and 18 zones now for eight months!
« Reply #4 on: January 13, 2012, 07:32:33 AM »

Yes it is wrapped around the inside of the case. In a small channel between the top and bottom case halves.
You may want to use our search function. Maybe SC1200 and antenna or SC12 and antenna. Seems the SC1200 is on the box and sales pages while the model sticker on the unit says SC12.

I believe mike did four of them he bought. The power line interface that plugs into the wall isolates the AC from the SC1200 electronics. So snaking it out of the case should not be a problem.

Ok, thank you again!


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Re: So I've had the SC1200 and 18 zones now for eight months!
« Reply #5 on: January 13, 2012, 11:21:28 AM »

I've had mine for 6 months 14 zones stable after initial pain and suffering.  Used every day upon vacating house for work.  It does have one minor quirk/feature  We use the door leading into the garage constantly.... every so often it chimes on door open and announces "Please enter Pin"  Don't know why but it does not affect function.  We have 1 story 2000 sq ft house.  I might risk voiding the warranty and pull the antenna out so I can finish wiring the last 4 door sensors (out range at this moment, even with the passive antennas).  Its nice setup and I cobbled up CM15A and custom software  to send a text message upon Arm, disarm and alarm trigger.  I'm glad X10 has not orphaned the SC1200... fingers crossed for future support.

« Last Edit: January 13, 2012, 11:24:58 AM by pseeker »
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