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Author Topic: Airpad7p problems withFlash and maybe other problems?  (Read 3259 times)


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Airpad7p problems withFlash and maybe other problems?
« on: April 06, 2012, 10:37:10 AM »

I've been reading many posts about the Airpad7p with ICS installed having problems with Flash as far as flash movies not playing or browsers crashing when trying to watch videos or the videos playing choppy or having audio sync problems. I was thinking of getting a refurbished 7p because it's such a good deal but the return policy on refurbs stinks and I don't want to be stuck with a Tablet that won't let me view videos and crashes it's web browser all the time and has other possible problems with other apps not related to Flash.

Does the Airpad7p with ICS Still have these problems?

Right now I have a Nextbook Premium 7 with Flash 11.0 and it has no problems with playing flash videos on Youtube or any site that only supports flash videos but it has limited memory for installing apps and it gets annoying when I try to install a new app and get the message that I'm out of space and have to uninstall some apps. I was hoping the 7p had more app storage space then 256meg and I think it does but if it's going to have many problems with flash and other apps it's not worth being stuck with it when my current tablet does the job fairly well and has less annoying issues then what the 7p seems to have but I hope they have fixed these problems.

So have they fixed these problems or do they still exists?  ???
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