I'm just about to embark on some antenna mods for this sc12a thingie. While I've got this sucker open, I'm just wondering if anyone has rev-engineered some of these pinouts. I'm looking for the UART pins (if they exist, usually marked RX TX, but I dont see any). It seems there are some visible SDA and SCL pins, which usually imply I2C, but I haven't tested them. I think the uC is inside this LCD package on the flip side of the PCB, which is a little less accessible, so I haven't really spent any time trying to take that apart. There's all these vias, makes me wonder if they have any fun data passing there.
UART or JTAG would be cool, , just hoping to be able to expand the possibilities and improve the reliability of this device. And the reception does suck... so hopefully I'll resolve that first.
Looking forward to hear if anyone has had any progress with this sort of stuff.