Here's my problem. Grandpa always had to drive an Oldsmobile he even had a REO truck. Mom, in turn drove Olds, and I had purchased several for myself and my wife. Point is, it worked and I hate change. I got into X10 in 1988 and it still works and I hate change. I don't want to admit how much I've invested in X10 gear, as my wife already has a weak heart. I don't want to invest in a new technology when the old one is just fine.
To get this thread back on topic:
I voted that I'd be willing to pay $50-100 for a new X10 controller. Granted, I had it in mind that a next generation CM15A was in the pipeline. I doubt i'll be purchasing a CM15A in the future, as I already own 5 of them and the new CM15 is identical (supposedly) to the old one and costs tuice the amount I paid for each of them. I am willing to pay the extra price, but want more that the same-ol same-ol. Same software, same design on the hardware.
For the record, wife now drives a Chrysler 300, and I had no input on the decision. sigh.