It may not help.
That the antenna mod did not solve your problem is a strong indication that it is not fundamentally an issue of range.
The door/window switches, motion sensors, etc. are all LC tuned with very inefficient antennas. The SC1200 has a narrow-band super-heterodyne receiver and it also uses LC tuning. Odds are they are operating on slightly different frequencies.
Have you tried the passive radiators suggested here...
Even if it's only a temporary test, it should be the first step. If it does not help, it is most likely not a range issue since that can give a significant range increase.
As I noted in a similar thread yesterday, I am waiting for delivery of a key component that is a special order and has a 4-5 week lead time. Once I get those components I will build some wide-band super-het receivers that should address the tuning issue.
If you do not want to wait, try using an RM1SG super-regenerative receiver in the SC1200. It has a wider than usual bandwidth, even for super-regens. There's a thread on using it in a CM15A...
Also, it is not 100% clear that the SC1200 antenna is isolated from mains voltage. Lacking such proof (i.e an X10 schematic), I would make certain that any exposed metal from the antenna mod (e.g. wire ends) be insulated as a precaution. I've also designed a galvanically isolated antenna connector. As it uses a 1:1 50-ohm RF isolation transformer, it should work whether an antenna is isolated or not. However, I'm not at all sure it will fit within the SC1200 case. Since I've no need for a security system, I do not want to buy one just to see if the isolator can work with it.