can u find out from the factory if USBBT is built into the kernel ? if not Will the ICS version ?
I just DL'd the MOMO15 Ice cream Sandwich Image from Ployer and it say's "With BlueTooth"
Flashed it. Booted, and Viola. it works. Grabbed my BT USB Dongle and plugged it in...and...and...and..Nothing.
Powered off, powered on (rebooted) and...and...BINGO. It's there with all 7 Services.

I agree can you put the Momo15 Image in a Dropbox and send instructions on how to acess it to me... us? Please? I would love to try and get Bluetooth! Any downsides to the image - like keys not working etc?
Please post more information!
Sorry fir not getting back to you guys...Been having serious family issues. And I'm sure the point is moot now anyhow...
The MOMO15 image I had is in Chinese. Oy! The included installer was in Chinese and the UI was Engrish.
going through the setup a page popped up in all Chinese. I looked around till I found the letter A and clicked on it. Changed to Engrish.
Then the installer let me default to English. Otherwise it Flashes Chinese. Everything seemed fine for about a week, then I started getting message boxes in Chinese, especially after removing the Bloat ware. Looking through settings I discovered the default language was Chinese and you could not change it off of that. You could select English as the Default UI language but apparently the system default was Chinese. Then it started crashing regularly, so I trashed it and went back to 0331.