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Author Topic: AHP turns off lights, but not on  (Read 3150 times)


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AHP turns off lights, but not on
« on: November 09, 2012, 10:12:05 PM »

I've been using my X10/AHP setup for about 10 years with no problems. About a week ago it stopped working. The remotes still turn lights on/off fine, but none of my scheduled events work anymore. Odd thing is that from within AHP lights will turn off once I've turned them on with the remotes, but they won't turn on from the software.

Have tried disconnecting the USB, taking the batteries out and letting the CM15A sit for a while, then putting it all back together.  Doesn't seem to help.

Any suggestions?  This is my original CM15A and it sounds like from others that these go bad after a while.  Also looks like several others started experiencing weird behavior around the daylight savings time change, which is when my weirdness started too.

thanks - larry

Brian H

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Re: AHP turns off lights, but not on
« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2012, 06:05:10 AM »

Remotes using the CM15A as a transceiver or is there another transceiver also in the setup?
What version of AHP are you using?
Any of the modules new enough to have soft start features? Where they ramp On and Off.
Have you tried the complete power reset? Where you remove the batteries and unplug for a few minutes. Then power back up and download your setting back into the CM15A.


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Re: AHP turns off lights, but not on
« Reply #2 on: November 10, 2012, 08:35:22 AM »

To answer your questions:

>>Remotes using the CM15A as a transceiver or is there another transceiver also in the setup?
---- I also have a RR501 transceiver module and it seems that it was acting as the transceiver from the remotes. I disconnected the RR501 with the CM15A still connected and the lights wouldn't go on/off with the remotes then. AHP however did show the light switches going on/off when I pushed the buttons on the remote. Activating the switches in AHP I was able to still turn lights Off, but not On when configured this way (CM15A installed and RR501 disconnected).

>>What version of AHP are you using?
---- version 3.318 of AHP is what I'm using

>>Any of the modules new enough to have soft start features? Where they ramp On and Off.
---- No, none of my modules ramp On/Off.

>>Have you tried the complete power reset? Where you remove the batteries and unplug for a few minutes. Then power back up and download your setting back into the CM15A.
---- Yes I have tried this repeatedly, letting the CM15A sit for 10-15 minutes before reinstalling batteries, reconnecting and downloading settings. I can see within AHP that the settings are getting downloaded to the CM15A through the hardware configuration.

Couple of other questions/notes:
- I replaced the batteries in my CM15A, but if the batteries are bad would it prevent the AHP from working even if its plugged in?
- I'm running Windows 8 64-bit, but AHP seems to be working fine and it appears that downloads to the AHP are working fine.

Appreciate any suggestions or insights from the community.
« Last Edit: November 10, 2012, 08:42:09 AM by Grotman »


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Re: AHP turns off lights, but not on
« Reply #3 on: November 10, 2012, 07:31:34 PM »

Okay, here go my questions about some of your answers to Brian's questions:

---- version 3.318 of AHP is what I'm using

---- No, none of my modules ramp On/Off.

- I'm running Windows 8 64-bit, but AHP seems to be working fine and it appears that downloads to the AHP are working fine.

It sounds like you recently upgraded to Windows 8. Were you running an earlier version before you upgraded to Windows 8?
If you are running 3.318, and your modules don't ramp on/off, then they are old (non SoftStart).
My guess is that you were running an older version before, and that since the upgrade it is sending "Extended Dim" commands instead of "Percent Dim" commands. That's why "Off" commands still work.

Try re-defining your modules using the modules in the "Old Lamps - nonSoftStart" category, instead of the "Lamps" category.


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Re: AHP turns off lights, but not on
« Reply #4 on: November 20, 2012, 06:50:19 PM »

Thanks alot that suggestion "re-defining your modules as Old Lamps - nonSoftStart" worked great.  Everything seems to be working fine now.  Really appreciate it.

Thanks - Larry
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