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Author Topic: AHP mixing up signals  (Read 18416 times)


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Re: AHP mixing up signals
« Reply #15 on: December 01, 2012, 01:59:15 PM »

Try to get 3.310 as it supports both SoftStart and Older Lamps (standard Lamps)  and is very stable.   Several others have had problems with 3.318.   

I tried it and it's the same issue: I can't use my Sabrent usb tvtuner device to view my x10 cameras with any version newer than 3.228!!! :o :'( B:(

Once I update to 3.31, I have to reinstall the driver and software for my usb tvtuner. Then, once I get that working, if I dare launch AHP for any reason, I lose the camera video with the tvtuner.  B:(

I do not have the VA12A plugged in at the same time as the usb tvtuner when I'm trying to do this. I also noticed that I can't change the Device in my usb tvtuner software once I have installed version 3.31 or 3.318. It's as though the VA12A driver completely hoggs the whole system and will not allow any other device driver to operate.

My system also crashed when I tried to run the latest version of AHP 3.318 and view my cameras with the usb tvtuner. B:(

I had to downgrade yet again to version 3.228. I don't know what else to do!

Dan Lawrence

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Re: AHP mixing up signals
« Reply #16 on: December 01, 2012, 04:11:13 PM »

I would try to get a different USB TV Tuner and see if that solves your problem.     Just out of curiosity I suspect you do not have cable or FiOS.  There has to be a better USB TV tuner on the market.   
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Re: AHP mixing up signals
« Reply #17 on: December 01, 2012, 07:24:05 PM »

It sounds like a driver conflict. Unfortunately, we haven't seen any AHP developers in a while, so I don't know if any of them are still with X10 or not.

You *might* try downloading the separate driver package from X10's download page (the link should be in my signature), and installing that AFTER upgrading AHP to a newer version (the newer version of AHP includes updated drivers, but this method might downgrade them).

It certainly can't hurt, at least.


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Re: AHP mixing up signals
« Reply #18 on: December 01, 2012, 10:21:50 PM »

Thanks but I'm afraid to do anymore *upgrading* since in addition to the problem with the video driver, it seems to throw OnAlert out of whack too. I just had to completely reinstall my DS7000 + ds10a's etc because the *new* version of AHP annihilated all my security modules in AHP and I'm tired from running up and down the stairs configuring all the x10 security devices with AHP!

I'm not sure why I even need to upgrade beyond 3.228.

Does 3.318 solve the video recording problems with AHP? I'd gladly use the VA12A with AHP if only it would record video properly---that's why I had to get the usb tvtuner device, because AHP can't record.


I managed to install AHP version 3.318, and then I uninstalled the VA12A from Device Manager, and now everything works OK; I can have AHP open and still use my usb tvtuner device to view my x10 cameras.

SHEESH! What an ordeal!
« Last Edit: December 02, 2012, 12:53:08 PM by birdzeye »
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