Have 2 IP Airsight WA pan and tilts and 1 outdoor IP camera which are accessible on my other pcs and smart phones.
Have been attempting to get these up and working on my new system, which has Windows 8 64 bit OS with IE10.
I can get the connection to windows security login, get through the ie active x access login. The camera page comes up, but when trying to display
the live video, I get the "internet explorer has stopped working" and then continuously loops trying to reset.
Now, I have been able to get it to function a few times, but in most cases it has the issue of IE stopping. I also seem to
have issues bringing up all 3 cameras at the same time.
I am using port forwarding for each of the cameras as well, :81 :82 :83 and through internet access directly going by the ip address
and port numbers xx.xx.xx.xx:81 or 82 or 83.
Any suggestions/ideas would be greatly appreciated.