Program closed unexpectedly and now no passwords will let me back in.
anyway to reset or reinstall this software?
Tried admin
tried admin/admin
tried removing and reinstalling
I had that same problem today and it took me a good while to fix it.
I kept deleting the camera in the client and adding it back.
I rebooted the computer a number of times.
After i did search and the ip address was entered.. i also made sure the device name field had something entered.
I ve done the right click in the cam window to bring up the box to click connect.
I ve used the connect icon to the right to try and connect
Ive done the above things a lot of times... it took me about a 30 minutes but it eventually worked.
SIDEBAR: I have never updated my firmware since the camera was working and if its not broke don't fix it ( UPGRADE FIRMWARE ) and break it.