The moving force behind the ban on incandescents was the manufacturers who were eager to replace $0.25 incandescents with $25 CFLs. While they hid behind the tree-huggers, they were the ones financing the campaign and lobbying the politicians and are now the ones laughing all the way to the bank.
The energy savings are minimal as residential lighting represents a small part of total energy use. Lighting represents about 9% of residential energy use according to DOE figures. Residential use represents about 33% of total energy use. Most commercial/industrial lighting was already more efficient than CFLs. So, even replacing 100% of incandescents only saves 1-2% of total energy.
And, the switch to fracked natural gas from coal fired generators has already resulted in a much, much larger reduction in carbon emissions than that due to banning incandescents.
All that said, I expect WiFi controlled LEDs will be dominant in the near future. And, I suspect X10 sees the same handwriting on the wall so is merely trying to hang on by their fingertips for a few more years.
Plus, I have also stocked up on 130V incandescents. I suspect my stash will outlast me.