My pair of XX59A cameras seemed OK initially.
Now after a week of operation indoors, the pair have a variety of problems. One has a flaky Ethernet (wired) connection, one refuses to traverse the entire horizontal range and one fails the SMTP test. I've tried different ports on my residential gateway, multiple camera hardware resets, swapping Ethernet cables and re-entering my SMTP credentials. The same SMTP credentials and cables produce good results from one device so they ought to be good in the other.
Sure, in practical use, the cameras will be on my wireless network, but not during my burn-in period.
I like the collection of advertised features. If they worked reliably, I'd be sold on the product but features that don't work reliably (and for a long time) aren't features at all. At this point I'm concerned about quality control and long-term durability and undecided between a refund or two new replacements. I intend phoning tomorrow for an RMA.
My plan was eventually to have at least two cameras indoors and four outdoors. Now I hesitate to expand the system.