I'm using port 8090. From what I'm learning, HughesNet is blocking all the ports and the only way to get around it is to pay extra for a static IP address. When I called Hughesnet customer support the technician suggested I try to find a free static IP service. I don't understand how that would unblock a port but I have to try. AAhh so much to learn so little time. BTW I did try to access from Starbucks with no luck but there are so many different settings I've been using that it would just be a fluke if something actually worked.
I guess HughesNet is your only option sooooo....
Get a FREE or PAID DDNS provider. Paid is better and not that expensive ( dyn.com ), it like $14per year.
Try this thought, change your port to 80, and see if it works using the airsight.net ddns.
HughesNet may not be block port 80.
(I don't understand how that would unblock a port ) It won't .. You would be kinda be bypassing HughesNet and using the the DDNS provider who ports are going be open.
Im not a techy, but i am a problem thinker/solver.