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Author Topic: What type of camera do I need for this? Have a business and would like to record  (Read 3489 times)


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I have a hotdog business where I will have another worker selling hot dogs for me when I'm not around and just would like a simple small wireless camera that can record for up to 10-12 hours giving me a movie file that I can then review later on my computer.  Does this type of camera or functionality exist?  If so, what type of camera do I need?  I don't need an IP camera or anything to be able to view in real time, just something that I can casually fast foward through and simply count how many hot dogs were actually sold to confirm. 

dave w

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I think you will need a connection to power for those durations. . There are wildlife cameras that run on batteries for extended periods, but they are triggered by motion. Try googling "surveillance camera"
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Brian H

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Do you have anything to record that much video?
They do make DVRs for security cameras. Depending on the size of the hard drive in them and the video quality you select. 10-12 hours is very possible. I believe they commonly use a composite video wired in connection. If you go wireless. The receiver for the camera  should have the needed composite video or a wired camera would have the signal on the coax from it to the DVR.
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