I realize many are growing impatient with the length of time this is taking.
The owner expressed his own frustrations with this mater to me many times.
I myself created a free program Ultralight (a webserver) to tie me over.
I am in constant contact with Authinx on this, (almost weekly) and I do get updates on what is going on.
The owner is very prompt at returning my emails.
However I don't always post this if there is no real news.
That being said I just received some feed back and there is little in the way of really good,exciting news
Authinx is still waiting on the next proto type (expected to be a release candidate) Time will tell if this version will meet quality expectations!
Here is what I know is planed
if this new unit is up to par.
1: A in house test with the new software (there was no word if they actually have that yet either).
2: If #1 passes, A request for a small shipment of test units for beta testing..
I have requested past X10WTI beta testers that are currently active (at least visiting the forum) and were actively participating in the last test, to be put on the top of any beta test group list.
3: If no hiccups in the testing, Production to start early summer.
4: With no issues in production, a release date of early fall.
I'm hopeful that I'll hear something more exciting in the next week or two but this has been a very slow go.
I'll continue to press for info on this as I know everyone is very interested in this new module as am I.
Please don't email or PM me on this as I can't add anymore to this then what I post.