I think I've got all questions, request, reasons and name suggestions so far added to the original post. If not PM me and I'll fix it.
With the demise of the old X10 the community has become more aware what a internet tied system is like when the servers go down even for a brief moment.
I think we need options with what ever is added to the Wi-Fi modules for connections.
Maybe a fail safe if their server goes down then use a direct connection or the ability to use a user definable DNNS not one hard coded.
I have a foscam that sends the IP address each time it reconnects to the internet.
This is a fail safe for me if the DNNS I use goes down.
which brings up another question
Will this send email alerts?
Many things can be added via a PC connection heck I even thought of adding this option to PCC(and still might)
BUT... if the new X10 owner would give up on the idea of cashing in with software profits (which isn't likely a profitable idea anyway) and release source information that allows 3rd party code writers to flood the market with software/apps that runs on all [the flavors of] operating systems.... Then that would be a very desirable interface... AND product-line. I'd LOVE to see/use a HA PC.... that is really only a Android tablet!
This won't be such a big deal with this device but would simplify things.
Since it is relying on Wi-Fi it is possible to listen into what is sent over the home network and recreating that.
This doesn't mean it is not secure one would need to know your network encryption key to hack a end users setup.
Looks like you guys have pretty well covered my wish list.
I would only add that I hope this this and any other future X10 offerings tend to focus on quality, reliability, functionality ect. and not so much on price point.
Since the new owners were the distributors for the pro line I think they are on top of the quality thing(time will tell).
it is important for end users interested in this product to post even if the post states "you guys have it all covered!" It shows the new owner and the manufacture there is a large interest in them getting this right the first time.
Software/firmware upgrades can improve a lot but not if the hardware isn't there to handle it.