UPDATE # whatever... I think my design (Rube G.) is working. a brick of styro, a small curtain rod ~6', and old plastic tape measure tape (very flexable), up and over a shaft about 1/8" dia. - off the end of the (horz) shaft is a cross bar, think "T" with small magnets on each end of the top of the "T". As the float lowers (pump running) the rod pulls the tape down, turns shft, rotates magnets past mag-switch and I get:
08/07 11:01:26 Rx RFSEC Addr: 3E:B3:80 Func: Contact_normal_max_DS10A
08/07 11:02:41 Rx RFSEC Addr: 3E:B3:80 Func: Contact_alert_max_DS10A
It spends 90% of the time in "alert" mode. SW detects the "normal" and subtaracts 1/2" from the count

The Brown line being the water level. PHP, PhPlot, Weather direct Tx60, Mysql