I've always been a little confused by the maximum reliable range for different components. I have several devices ranging from remotes to motion sensors. My primary RF devices are 3 types of remotes (KR19, KR22, HR12) and several motion sensors (MS16A), though I have a few other non-used devices (stick-a-switch, tv remotes). I have a Radio Shack antenna and an amplifier/filter setup. I understand these are different devices, but I don't understand why some have great performance while others are simply atrocious.
For instance:
If I walk around my property with the palmpad, I can easily reach the woods ~100' away with 100% reliability. This has been tested primarily in warm weather with no rain. The remote has line of sight to the roof, but it has to go through 1-2 drywall layers to see the antenna. I can be close to the house from all sides and get very good coverage with near perfect reliability (there are a couple near dead spots based on the number of walls and structure the signal must penetrate).
If I use the KR22, I can get very good range, but not as good as the palm pad. I would estimate that I can get ~50% line of sight distance compared to the palm pad. I can get good reliability from most places with just a couple completely dead spots.
If I use the KR19, I get nearly the same performance to the KR22.
If I use the MS16A, I get terrible range period. If I put the palmpad or KR remote next to the motion sensor mount location, I can get a signal. If I press the button on the motion sensor, it really depends on it's preference that day seemingly. Wet, cold, it's mood, etc seem to cause it to stop working while dry, warm, etc seem to be somewhat better. This is only after adding a 1/4 wave antenna to each of 2 sensors and a 1/2 wave antenna to the other.
I imagine that the antenna inside the KR remotes (PCB trace?) is different than the palmpad (soldered on coil) and the motion sensor (soldered on coil). Does this difference have to do with different radio chips, antennas, both, something else? My primary reason for asking is to decide if I want to continue to work with these MS16A's or if I should find something else. The problem is, something else will require a new receiver setup. If I do that, I might as well consider a different approach overall.
I've been using the Heath Zenith motion wired motion sensors for a few years and the sensor itself seems good. I have only had issues with my implementation into the HA setup. They have a wireless version that would work for me, but I don't know how to interface it with my HA setup without using their plug-in unit and probably hacking it to use a PowerFlash. I was envisioning using a radio that could plug into an Arduino or my Raspberry Pi, but searches leave me with no results.
One concept I am just now thinking about is a wireless relay at the Raspi end and some kind of trigger radio on the motion sensor end. I don't know if it would be possible to make this battery powered at the sensor, though.
Any thoughts?