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SC1200 GSM Cheap cellular plans
Anyone out there using the new SC1200 GSM alarm? Can anyone recommend dirt cheap GSM cell plans that work on this unit? The best I've seen so far is AT&T and T-Mobile prepay plans and buying $100 in minutes so the service stays active for a year.
I've also seen AlarmSIM.com which seems the cheapest and doesn't have minutes that expire, has anyone had experience with this company?
I'm looking to buy the GSM version, was curious as well if anyone has used it yet and reilability of cellular.
Brian H:
I didn't even know there was a SC1200 GSM model.
I did find it in the X10 wiki and X10 sales pages.
The manuals are linked in the X10 wiki if you want to read them.
I'm gonna get one with AlarmSIM pre-paid plan, will post info soon
Brian H:
We will look forward to your report.
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